Community Dialogues, “Narrative Perspective”
October 10, 10:30am - 11:45amMānoa Campus, Online

Community Dialogues, “Narrative Perspective” with Emma Hsu ----------------- These are facilitated sessions where you can engage with peers from diverse backgrounds. People who participate in the Community Dialogues program will be able to: 1) Identify important aspects of their personal backgrounds, 2) Articulate the value of understanding different perspectives, 3) Describe and demonstrate principles of positive social engagement in communication, and 4) Understand about being responsible members of the Community. ----------------- “Narrative Perspective” with Emma Hsu Thursday, October 10, 2024 In-Person: 9 AM - 10:15 AM at Academic Resource Center, Room 114 Via Zoom: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Register at -------------- Session: Narrative perspective is the point of view from which a story is told, and it filters all events through that lens. The perspective a storyteller or writer chooses can affect how much information the reader has about the characters, plot, and background, and how the story impacts the reader. Memory is the power to retain and recall information and past experiences. ---------- Speaker: Emma Hsu is a first year PhD student researching world history of technology exchanges with a focus on transitions of knowledge in astronomy. She is currently a non-resident adjunct fellow at the Center for International & Strategic Studies (CSIS), graduate assistant at UH’s Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship (PACE), and volunteer at the West Hawaii Mediation Center. --------- Sponsored by the Conflict and Peace Specialist
Event Sponsor
Conflict and Peace Specialist, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 8089562690,,
Thursday, October 10 |
9:00am |
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Community Dialogues, “Narrative Perspective” Mānoa Campus, Academic Resource Center, Room 114
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Community Dialogues, “Narrative Perspective” Mānoa Campus, Online
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