Resume Writing
October 23, 1:30pm - 2:30pmMānoa Campus, Hybrid: Moore 104 and Zoom
Real-world professionals discuss ways to build and organize the content of impactful résumés and cover letters. Students will learn how to describe responsibilities and accomplishments, both academic and professional, as well as receive advice about formatting and presentation. The discussion will cater to students at all stages in their professional journeys, whether first-time job seekers or experienced employees.
This workshop is available and free for ALL UHM undergraduate students to attend!
Sign up here:
Event Sponsor
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), Mānoa Campus
More Information
Noah Perales-Estoesta, 8089567942,,
Wednesday, October 23 |
9:00am |
Community Dialogues, Connection: Poetry and the Body Mānoa Campus, Academic Resource Center, Room 114
9:30am |
Entomology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Gilmore Hall, Room 301
10:30am |
Community Dialogues, Connection: Poetry and the Body Mānoa Campus, Online
1:30pm |
Resume Writing Mānoa Campus, Hybrid: Moore 104 and Zoom
3:00pm |
Job Search Tips & Strategies (Hybrid) Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 212
3:00pm |
Research Seminar Series: Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Mgmt Mānoa Campus, Rm 103, Sherman Laboratories, 1910 East-West Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822
3:30pm |
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Information Session Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building (MSB) Room 114
4:00pm |
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) Program Panel Mānoa Campus, Online/via Zoom
6:00pm |
Baptist Collegiate Ministries O'ahu Midweek BBQ Mānoa Campus, 2042 Vancouver Dr
7:30pm |
4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane Mānoa Campus, Earle Earnst Lab Theatre