What does a decolonial conservation ethics look like?

January 15, 12:30pm - 1:45pm
Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319 Add to Calendar

The Ecotone, a Mellon AAPI EHEJ Scholarly Forum Series presents: What does a decolonial conservation ethics look like? Conservation ethics has been guided by three ethical paradigms: preservationism, resourcism and harmonization. The aim of the talk is to place these ethical paradigms in discussion with ethical paradigms of environmental justice to envision what would a decolonial conservation ethics look like. Sponsored by the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, the Department of Asian Studies, and the Mellon AAPI Environmental Humanities and Environmental Justice initiative. Lunch provided! Register here: https://go.hawaii.edu/bdQ

Ticket Information
Free! Register here: https://go.hawaii.edu/bdQ

Event Sponsor
Mellon AAPI Environmental Humanities and Environmental Justice initiative, Mānoa Campus

More Information
808-956-0926, msharan@hawaii.edu

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