Inspiring Innovation Speaker Series: Executive Panel Discussion

February 2, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom

This event in the Inspiring Innovation Speaker Series will feature a panel discussion, entitled, "Your Future Employers are Looking for Entrepreneurial Thinkers."

Panelists include Tab Bowers, Executive VP with American Savings Bank; Jean Hamakawa, Executive VP with Bank of Hawaii; Karen Street, Organization Development VP with First Insurance Company of Hawaii; and Kent Tsukamoto, Managing Partner of Accuity LLP. The panel discussion will be moderated by PACE Executive Director Susan Yamada. Susan will explore with each panelist why their companies value innovation and creativity, and how they are shifting to hire entrepreneurial graduates.

Event Sponsor
Shidler College of Business - PACE, Mānoa Campus

More Information
PACE, 956-5083,,

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