
March 19, 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Windward Campus, Hale Akoakoa 105

If you are interested in becoming a production farmer in Hawai‘i, you should attend this seminar.

Hear about agriculture and being a farmer in Hawai‘i from real farmers.

Hear from past students about their experiences in the GoFarm Hawai‘i program.

Applications for the next cohort of students for the GoFarm Hawai‘i beginnining farmer training program will only be available to attendees of this seminar

Attendees should RSVP to with the names of attendees.

For more information about GoFarm Hawai‘i, see

Course Fee: Free

Date: Thursday, 3/19/15

Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Meetings: 1

Event Sponsor
Career and Community Education, Windward Campus

More Information
Career and Community Education, 808=235=7433,,

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