APRIL 2018
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Last modified July 23, 2024
The No‘eau Center is hosting our semesterly event Cram Jam to help you succeed in your final papers and exams!
On April 24 and 25 from 5-10 pm, come and study with your peers and professors, get help from our tutors, enjoy free ono food and snacks, and win prizes!
We will be hosting this semester's Cram Jam at the NEW NÄulu Center located next to the cafeteria!
It’s the last leg of the semester and we’re here to make sure you finish off the semester strong! See you there!
This event is sponsored by The NÄulu Center and The Student Activity Fee Board.
Event Sponsor
No'eau Center, West Oʻahu Campus
More Information
No'eau Center, (808) 689-2750, uhwowc@hawaii.edu, http://uhwo.hawaii.edu/noeaucenter
Tuesday, April 24 |
8:00am |
Linguistics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155
10:00am |
OER STAX: How to Save $25K using Free Textbooks Honolulu Campus, 2-214
10:30am |
Qualify for SNAP with SP@M Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
10:30am |
Children's Center Bake Sale Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
12:00pm |
Center for Chinese Studies Research Seminar Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 109 (or Hamilton Library 401)
12:00pm |
WRRC and 'Ike Wai Seminar Mānoa Campus, HIG 210
1:30pm |
Richard Akamine, clarinet (junior recital) Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
2:00pm |
Free Showing of Island Earth West Oʻahu Campus, Library
4:00pm |
Q&A with Admissions at Richardson Mānoa Campus, William S. Richardson School of Law- Seminar Room 2
4:00pm |
My Life as a Young Arab in the West Mānoa Campus, Miller Hall 101, 2515 Campus Road
5:00pm |
Cram Jam West Oʻahu Campus, Naulu Center
5:30pm |
Introduction to Structured Query Language Honolulu Campus, 874 Dillingham Blvd
6:00pm |
Friends of Waikiki Aquarium's Distinguished Lecture Series Tenney Theatre, St. Andrew's School, 224 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu
6:00pm |
JEFFREY STOCKBRIDGE / Kensington Blues: Philadelphia's Opioid Epidemic Reveal Mānoa Campus, ART Building, room 101
6:00pm |
New Challenges of Diversity." Guest Speaker: Mr. Ali Amer Taha Al-Hindawi Mānoa Campus, Miller Hall 101, 2515 Campus Road
7:30pm |
UH Contemporary Music Ensemble Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium