Catch and Release - Large Whale Entanglement Response in Hawaii
November 26, 3:30pm - 4:30pmWaikiki Aquarium Classroom - 2777 Kalakaua Ave.
Join us at the Waikiki Aquarium classroom for a talk by Ed Lyman, Natural Resources Management Specialist, on Humpback whale entanglement response.
Edward Lyman, Natural Resources Management Specialist, has helped disentangle more than 100 whales and other marine animals over the past 24 years. Ed will describe the difficult and sometimes dangerous task of disentangling 40-ton, likely free-swimming, whales from life-threatening entanglements using techniques modified from those used to catch large fish, or used historically by whalers to kill the animals. Case histories of some of the animals that have been freed in Hawaii by an authorized Network of responders will be shown using some amazing video footage from pole and helmet-mounted cameras. Over the years, nearly 30 large whales have been entirely or partially freed of entangling gear in Hawaii. The effort is coordinated by the Sanctuary, working under NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program, and includes sanctuary partners and the on-water community. Successful disentanglements occur when a community-based network work closely with experienced responders, to free the animals, and at the same time, help gain valuable information that might mitigate the threat and its broad impacts in the future.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Waikiki Aquarium, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Lisa Golden, (808) 440-9021,,
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