"Queering Classroom Norms"
April 18, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 410
Dr. Stacey Waite is Associate Professor and
Graduate Chair of English at the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln. Waite’s most recent
book, Teaching Queer: Radical
Possibilities for Writing and Knowing, was
published by University of Pittsburgh Press
in 2017. Waite’s newest scholarly project,
The World as We Wish it Were: Speech
Acts, Performance, and the Question of
What Matters in the Teaching of Writing, was the recipient of a $10,000
community partnership grant and is a manuscript-in-process. Dr Waite will speak on "Queering Classroom Norms." The abstract is as follows:
"Queer pedagogies are, indeed, sometimes about queer content, queer
voices, and queer representations--but they are also about our approaches
and methods as we imagine any course we teach. Everything from how we
compose a syllabus to the kinds of writing we ask students to do can reveal
to us our own normative thinking about what it means to teach, to learn,
and to write. This presentation invites us all to think through our own
conventional pedagogical moves and values (however radical we imagine
them to be)."
Ticket Information
Free and open to the public
Event Sponsor
UHM SEED Ideas; UHM Creative Writing Program; UHM Phi Beta Kappa, LLL Dean's Special Fund, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Daphne Desser, (808) 737-7506, desser@hawaii.edu, https://www.staceywaite.com/