APLPJ's 20th Anniversary Symposium
April 20, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Hawaiinuikea Kamakakuokalani Center
This year, we'll be featuring student authors in our symposium, with their papers already published on our recently upgraded website: https://blog.hawaii.edu/aplpj, where you can also find mastheads since Volume 1, dozens of important pieces of scholarship, and the histories of prior symposium events.
RSVPs will be warmly welcomed to help the Board plan for the upcoming Symposium event. We'll also be making reservations for a post-event get together for alumni, current students, and guests who wish to re-connect with their classmates and build new connections with earlier and later APLPJ members.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
LAW, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-3002, https://linkedin.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=42ef5fe9d6b52853c2af8f0f1&id=88152c8dba&e=d5a263