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Last modified July 23, 2024
The 15th annual Hawaii Book & Music Festival takes off virtually this year with a special set of in-depth presentations covering a variety of topics deeply impacting our local community.
Everyone says innovation is the key to Hawaii 2.0. - but what does that mean in practice? Why a UH leader (UH VP for Research and Innovation Vassilis Syrmos) and a Honolulu CEO (CEO & Founder of Oceanit Laboratories Patrick K. Sullivan) believe it’s really possible, and why.
Register in advance for this webinar: https://hawaii.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OhI73EOlQfyZ5EpPnZrQ1w
Event Sponsor
Various departments, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Amy Hammond, 808-223-6040, https://hawaiibookandmusicfestival.com/