The World of Meditation
February 9, 2024 - March 15, 2024Mānoa Campus, Krauss Hall 113
UH employees are eligible to take this class for FREE, or purchase a trial membership to take additional OLLI-UHM courses for $25. 6 Fridays Feb 9 - Mar 15 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. Instructor: Richard E. Bradshaw MA, PhD. This six-week in person course focuses on various kinds of meditation and how meditation in general relates to everyday life. Meditation will be seen not only as a method of attaining peace and tranquility but as a means to increase one’s ability to be more lucidly perceptive of one’s daily experiences. Each class will consist of 1) short introductory comments on some meditational discipline, 2) viewing documentaries on the ‘reasoning’ and practice of various meditations, 3) class discussions (in pairs or small groups) of documentaries and student meditational experiences, and 4) practicing the various mediations.
Event Sponsor
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Krauss Hall, 808-956-2624,,
Wednesday, February 28 |
9:00am |
Community Dialogues: “Reframing the Ivory Tower” with Emma Hsu Mānoa Campus, ACCESS Lounge, Dean Hall, room 5/6
11:00am |
Community Dialogues: “Reframing the Ivory Tower” with Emma Hsu Mānoa Campus, Online
12:00pm |
Honoring Alice Augusta Ball Mānoa Campus, at the Chaulmoogra tree (mauka of Bachman Hall)
12:00pm |
ISR SP 2024 Seminar Series :: EH@UH Mānoa Campus, KUY 201 + zoom
12:00pm |
Panel Discussion “A Decade of Cross-Cultural Collaboration" Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 417
1:00pm |
Professional Educational Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, College of Education, Building Ono A, Zoom information below.
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Miniature Soft Robotic Systems Towards Complex Fluidic Environmen Mānoa Campus, Bilger Hall 150
4:00pm |
One Health Certificate Mānoa Campus, BIL335
5:30pm |
Ke Aʻo Mau presents: The Public Land Trust with Melody MacKenzie JD Mānoa Campus, Gartley Hall Rm 103 or via Zoom