Brown Bag Biography with Jeremy Popkin

April 4, 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Mānoa Campus, KUY 410

The Center for Biographical Research presents: / “Competing With My Grandmother: Writing the Biography of a Woman Who Told Her Own Story”/ Jeremy Popkin, William T. Bryan Chair Professor of History, University of Kentucky / The life of Jeremy Popkin’s grandmother Zelda Popkin (1898-1983) provides many insights into the experiences of the second generation of American Jews, those born in the US to parents from Eastern Europe. Her life also illuminates the experience of the generation of American women who came of age just when women were granted the right to vote. In this talk, Popkin will discuss the challenge of writing about his grandmother, which comes not only from their family connection but from the fact that she herself wrote so much about her own life, in an autobiography, a number of novels, and a voluminous correspondence. / Jeremy D. Popkin holds the William T. Bryan Chair of History at the University of Kentucky, and has been an active contributor to lifewriting studies for many years. His publications in that field include History, Historians, and Autobiography (U of Chicago P, 2005) and articles in numerous journals, including Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly and a/b: Auto/Biography Studies. He has also published extensively on the French and Haitian Revolutions. / Cosponsored by Hamilton Library, the Center for Oral History, Conflict and Peace Specialist, and the Departments of American Studies, English, Ethnic Studies, History, Political Science, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies / Thursday, April 4 / Kuykendall 410 / 12PM to 1:15PM HST

Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-3774

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