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COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy

For additional information and FAQs, visit the OHR website.

I. Purpose

The University of Hawaiʻi’s (the “University”) highest priority remains the health, safety and well-being of our campus community as it prepares to fully reopen its campuses. The COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States are highly effective at preventing COVID-19, as well as at preventing serious illness even in those who do contract COVID-19. As such, a fully vaccinated campus community enables the best opportunity for a healthy return to high-quality face-to-face teaching, learning and research. For these reasons, the University is requiring that all employees and visitors be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, subject to the provisions and exemptions set forth in this policy.

II. Definitions

  1. Fully Vaccinated: Individuals are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 if it has been two weeks after they have received the second dose in a two-dose series (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) or two weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (e.g., Johnson & Johnson/Janssen). This guidance can also be applied to COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use listing (“EUL”) by the World Health Organization (e.g., AstraZeneca/Oxford, Serum Institute of India, Sinopharm, and Sinovac as of July 2, 2021).
  2. Partially Vaccinated: Individuals are partially vaccinated for COVID-19 if (1) it has been LESS THAN two weeks after they have received the second dose in a two-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) or LESS THAN two weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson/Janssen), or (2) they have only received one dose in a two-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna).
  3. Employee: For purposes of this policy, employee means all full time, part time, compensated and/or uncompensated individuals classified as administrators, faculty, staff, temporary hires, casual hires, and student employees, including graduate assistants, employed by the University. Staff includes, but is not limited to, lecturers, instructors, graders, 89-day hires, volunteers, athletic coaches, residence hall staff and members of the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi.

III. Policy & Program

Effective January 3, 2022, the University is requiring that all Employees and visitors be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to entering any University campus or any University facility or office (collectively, “University Site”), subject to the following provisions and exemptions. Nothing in this policy is intended to alter or excuse University requirements for in-person attendance relating to employment.

  1. Employees
    1. All Employees must provide verification of being Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19 to be employed by the University, regardless of whether they are entering a University Site, subject to the limited exemptions set forth below.
    2. Any Employee who has not provided verification of being Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19 may remain employed by the University provided that they both (1) request and are approved for an exemption as set forth in this policy, and (2) provide proof of a current negative COVID-19 test in accordance with Section III.C., Exemptions and Testing Requirement for Less Than Fully Vaccinated Individuals.
    3. Any Employee who is Partially Vaccinated may remain employed by the University provided that they provide (1) proof of Partial Vaccination and (2) proof of a negative COVID-19 test in accordance with Section III.C.2, Testing Requirement.
    4. An Employee who is required or directed to report to a University Site, but who is not in compliance with the vaccination, exemption, and/or testing requirements of this policy, may be subject to appropriate corrective action including progressive discipline, as applicable.
  2. Verification of Vaccination & Submission
    All Employees must provide verification of their vaccination status by uploading a photo of their vaccination record and the requested information to LumiSight UH while signed in with their UH ID.
  3. Exemptions and Testing Requirement for Less Than Fully Vaccinated Individuals
    1. Exemptions: Medical and/or non-medical/religious exemptions from this policy may be requested consistent with state and federal law by submitting an Exemption Request Form (See Employee COVID-19 Medical Exemption and COVID-19 Non-Medical/Religious Exemption request forms).
      1. Medical Exemptions: Employees who are not able to be vaccinated for a medical reason may seek a medical exemption and shall provide supporting documentation from a health care provider.
      2. Non-Medical/Religious Exemptions: Employees may seek a non-medical/religious exemption and shall provide sufficient information to support the request.
      3. A person who is granted an Exemption may be required to adhere to additional rules, including non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., wearing a mask or personal protective equipment, physical distancing, quarantining upon exposure to someone else with the illness, or no/limited entry into certain facilities, spaces, or learning opportunities until they are Fully Vaccinated).
    2. Testing Requirement:
      1. Any less than Fully Vaccinated Employee must receive proof of a current negative COVID-19 test from a UH-recognized testing facility. The length of validity of a negative test result will depend on the type of test. At this time the following tests are approved:
        1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test: Negative test results valid for 7 calendar days;
        2. Rapid Antigen Test: Negative test results valid for 3 calendar days; and
        3. Any other testing protocol approved by the UH Health Committee.
      2. All test results must be uploaded to an Employee LumiSight UH account for verification purposes.
  4. Vaccination and Testing Sites:
    This policy does not apply to those Employees entering a University Site for the sole purpose of participating in a University-sponsored COVID-19 testing or vaccination program for that identified date(s), time(s), and location(s).
  5. Visitors
    1. All visitors entering a University Site must provide proof of being Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test from a UH-recognized testing facility either through the UH LumiSight app or by showing their vaccination card or current and valid negative COVID-19 test results.
    2. The length of validity of a negative test result will depend on the type of test.
    3. Any visitor who refuses to show proof of being Fully Vaccinated or a negative test result may be immediately escorted off the campus and/or cited for trespassing. Campuses will determine means and methods of enforcement of this requirement using their best discretion and available resources. Especially where direct contact will occur with Students and Employees on a recurring and persistent basis, campuses should obtain confirmation of compliance with this screening requirement.
  6. Privacy
    Information under this policy is classified as “Regulated” under EP 2.214 and shall be managed and controlled consistent with that classification. The use, storage, privacy and security of data under this policy shall be in accordance with EP 2.210 and EP 2.214-217.
Last modified: January 6, 2022
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