computer and writing conference 2004: writing in globalization

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honolulu, hi, june 10-13 2004

call for proposals submit a proposal subscribe to discussions facilities registration travel and accommodations program


Host Departments
KapCC Language Arts
UHM English

C&W Online

Conference Historical Weblog

Graduate Research Network

Online Room Reservations
at Pacific Beach Hotel
Group Offer = cw2004
Promo = cw2004

Pre-conference Workshops

Past Conferences

Hawai'i Links

Conference Flyer

Email conference plannerss:

Conference Phone: 808.734.9331

Postal Address:
Department of Language Arts
Kalia 101
Kapi'olani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816 USA
attention: Kirkpatrick/cw2004

Conference Site Proposal
November 2002

The University of Hawai'i s an
equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.

An historical weblog celebrating
The 20th
Computers and Writing Conference

The Computers and Writing Conference 2004 celebrates the Twentieth Computers and Writing Conference by inviting all attendees over the last twenty years to contribute to a historical recollection of the conferences they attended. At the 1994 conference in Columbia, Missouri, Lisa Gerrard, UCLA, presented a talk on the first ten Computers and Writing Conferences, 1982 thru 1994, and later published her talk in the December 1995 COMPUTERS AND COMPOSITION journal. She promised, at that time, to do another one if the conference and she were still around in another ten years. We are and she is, so we look forward to her next historical overview, 1995-2004.

We have turned Lisa's 1994 historical paper into a different sort of writing by putting it into a blog, and we invite anyone and everyone to begin contributing to our historical memories of the conference.

The conference organizers would like to thank Charlie Lowe, Herve Collin, and Lisa Gerrard, in particular, for making this BLOG accessible.

Hosts in Hawai'i    
Judi Kirkpatrick
Department of Language Arts
Kapi'olani Community College
Darin Payne
Department of English
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
John Zuern
Department of English
University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Call for Proposals | Submit a Proposal | Subscribe to Discussions
Conference Facilities | Conference Registration
| Travel and Accommodations
Conference Program | Conference Flyer (PDF 67K)

Thanks to Susan Lang at Texas Tech for the design of the My Computers and Wriitng system.
Thanks to Mike Tamaru for logo and flyer design.
For problems with this site, contact
Last updated 04/25/04.