University of Hawaii
Integrated Pediatric Residency Program

Welcome to the Community Medicine web page.  This site is designed to provide a basic introduction to community, social and cultural factors that improve, or impede a child's access and family acceptability of care.

Our site introduces community and cultural concepts through a case scenario.  Each module begins with web-based reading, and places you in the role of a community Pediatrician. Please start with module one, and proceed through module four. 

Upon completion of the modules, you will accompany a Community Health Worker providing outreach and health education to a Native Hawaiian Community.  This phase allows you to practice skills learned through the web-based modules, and provide service to patients and communities served by the Hawaii Dyson Initiative.

Community events are listed on this page and updated frequently.  All community events are coordinated by the UHIRP and eligible for credit on your research requirement.

This experience is a service-learning partnership of the
Hawaii Dyson Initiative, UHIRP, and the Papakolea Community Association.

D. Christian Derauf, M.D.

Louise Iwaishi, M.D.

Integrated Pediatric Residency Program
1319 Punahou Street 7th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii  96826

Phone (808) 983-8387
Fax (808) 945-1570

Updated 11/18/2008
Contact _______ for questions on this web site.

This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 6, a screen resolution of 1024x768 and 24-bit color.

Dr. Derek Flores teaching firework safety to Papakolea youth.  This session is an example of systems-based practice; Dr. Flores has responded to the community's request for education on firework safety and first aid.  Together with the Boys and Girls Club, youth learn firework safety and how to prevent firework-related injuries.

Kids raising questions to Dr. Gary Huang during the Dyson Health Talk.

Dr. Brian Wu and Adrienne Dillard overlooking the Papakolea Community during the windshield tour.



Program Goals

Learners will:

  • Understand ecological and social factors affecting child care

  • Perform a community windshield assessment

  • Gain an appreciation of a child's community and how it can influence health behaviors

  • Gain an appreciation of a child's culture and how it can influence health behaviors

  • Participate in a community-based service-learning project

Please take the pre-test before starting the modules.
The pre-test will take you to another page; please complete the online form and hit the send button. 


  1. Johnny Suzuki case

  2. Ecological and Systems Theory

    1. Describe the concept of accommodation and illness

    2. Describe the micro, mezzo, and macro levels

  3. Social factors affecting child health

    1. Community Windshield Assessment

    2. Describe social or community factors that influence health care

  4. Cultural factors affecting child care

    1. Describe cultural factors that influence health care

  5. Outreach with Papakolea
    Contact information
    Map to community

  6. Rotation Syllabus

    Community Events
    Interested in learning more about community while providing health education or mentoring on health careers?  Check here often to participate in events arranged by the Dyson Initiative.

    Lomi Lomi Clinic  
    Every Thursday, 6:30p-9:00pm. 
    Contact Adrienne Dillard for more information, or visit the Papakolea website.

    Papakolea Boys and Girls Club
    Interested in mentoring a student considering a health career?
    Teach a health education module to Papakolea youth?
    Contact _______ for more information.

    LeapFrog Literacy Program, Ku' Ike
    Interested in helping children with reading using technology that is fun?.  Contact Adrienne Dillard for more information.

    Involving parents and community with reading; Ku'Ike co-sponsored a Spaghetti Dinner at Lincoln Elementary School.   See images from the event.

    Health questions on  LeapFrog?
    Ask the Doctor
    Medical questions answered by Dr. Gary Huang.



Dr Lani Nakamura reviewing pneumonia with Papakolea kids.


Dr. Lisa Kahikina reviewing the importance of hygiene and skin care to Papakolea Keiki.

Lahela Hudson, Papakolea volunteer helps Keiki develop posters based on Dr. Kahikina's presentation.  The posters allow Keiki to apply lessons learned from the presentation on skin abrasions.



Dr. Chris Derauf demonstrates how to give a flu shot to Henry; daughter
Hailey and Dr. Mikako Warren assist.


Dr. Ela W. teaching about the brain and stroke.  While the information
was complex, she was able to teach Keiki and gain their trust as a
Kauka (doctor).



Dr. Brent Teramoto teaching smoking prevention at the after-school reading program.

Dr. Laura Arensmeyer teaching good hygiene and hand washing.  This request came to the Department after community staff noticed children not properly caring for minor cuts and abrasions.



Papakolea children practice good hand washing techniques.


Dr. Mary Terrell and Dr. Theresa Watson teaching obesity prevention to Papakolea children.

This demonstrates macro level comprehensive care; the Department of Pediatrics responds to a community request to educate children and parents
on obesity and diabetes.  A follow-up screening on diabetes will occur, with Pediatric and Medicine-Pediatric residents  providing one-to-one screening and education to youth  and adults.

A fun game on health and obesity reinforced the lesson for
Papakolea children.


Dr. Kathy Egan teaching anger management to Papakolea youth.  The topic was requested by the Boys and Girls staff, who reported several members being suspended from school for fighting.



Dr. Derek Ching reinforcing the diabetes and nutrition presentations using "health care Jeopardy" as an interactive instructional method.

Dr. Susan Minami presenting nutrition information to the Boys and Girls Club at Papakolea.

Dr. John Misailidis counseling a diabetic patient during a joint Papakolea, Department of Pediatrics and Queen's Medical Center community health activity.

Dr Iwaishi and Minami answering a difficult question on nutrition and diet.