Page Contents
What Address do I Need to Maintain?
Address Type | What should be in this address? | Where do I update this address? |
Current Residence | This should be the location where you are currently living. While you are in an F-1 or J-1 program this should be a U.S. address and must meet SEVIS standards. If you are not currently in the United States, this should be your last known U.S. address or a future U.S. address if known. | Updates for Current Residence can be done directly through MyUH. |
Mailing Address | This should be the address you wish to receive correspondence from the university, including refund checks. If you do not have a mailing address on file, all items will be sent to your permanent address. | Updates for Mailing Address can be done directly through MyUH. |
Permanent Address | This should be an address in your home country. This should NOT be a U.S. address. | Updates for Permanent Address must be done through the Office of the Registrar using their online Personal Information Update form. |
Updating Current Residence and U.S. Phone Number in MyUH
April 26, 2024: ISS now uses Current Residence type address.
The ISS office will no longer verify your Mailing Address in MyUH. Instead, the Current Residence address type will be used to populate your U.S. immigration record in SEVIS.
To avoid any issues we ask students to do the following:
- Populate your current U.S. physical address into the Current Residence section to meet immigration requirements
- Continue to maintain remaining address sections for UH system purposes
How to Update Your Current Residence
Step 1. Go to MyUH’s View / Update My Address and Phone(s) Page
- Go to the MyUH Service page for Address/Phone Updates
- Click on the Go button and Login to UH Services

MyUH webpage Address/Phone Update Go Button placement
If you run into any of these messages it is possible that you are logged into multiple Google Accounts and that is confusing the MyUH system:
“Permission Needed”, ”Authorization Required”, ”Session Timeout”, or “Error”
To resolve the issue, try the following:
- Make sure that you do not have an existing Incognito, InPrivate, or Private window open in your browser of choice.
- Open a new Incognito, InPrivate, or Private window.
- Go to the MyUH Service page for Address/Phone Updates and click Go in the Incognito/InPrivate/Private browsing window.
- Log in with your UH Username and Password at the UH Login Screen.
You should now be directed to the correct page.
If the above does not work you may need to log out of all your Google Accounts. Then only log in to your UH account and try again.
Step 2. Select Current in the Current Residence Address Section

Click "Current" under the “Current Residence” address to update that address in MyUH
If you have not already added a Current Residence to your list of addresses or if your previous listing has passed its end date, you will need to create a new listing.
To add a new address:
- Under Type of Address to Insert below your list of Addresses select Current Residence from the dropdown.
Click the Submit button.
Step 3. Update your address information
For your Current Residence follow the guidance below to ensure your address meets the required SEVIS immigration format.
A U.S. Phone Number should be entered in the phone number field see information in Current Residence Point 4 below.
Make sure to hit Submit once you complete your entry.

The MyUH Address form for Current Residence with notes from ISS for F-1 and J-1 Students
The following fields don’t need to be filled:
- Until This Date - keep this blank until you add another address.
- Address Line 3 - Address Line 3 should not be used for your U.S. Physical Residence.
- Nation (if not USA) - For your U.S. Physical Residence the nation of your address is U.S. so this is not needed.
Do not use # , . % / or other special punctuation or characters (including diacritical marks) in Street, City, State or Province Lines.
Example for Incorrect Entry: 98-364 Ka'ahumanu St., #12
Example for Correct Entry: 98-364 Kaahumanu St Apt 12
If you are living in on-campus housing, dorm building and room should be in Address Line 2.
Address Line 1: 2575 Dole Street
Address Line 2: Hale Aloha Room 123
If you are living off-campus, apartment or room number should be in Address Line 1.
Address Line 1: 123 Kalakaua Avenue Room 212
Address Line 2: [intentionally left blank]
For your Current Residence to be properly viewed as a U.S. Physical Residence you should only provide a U.S. Phone Number.

The Phone Number field for Current Residence with notes from ISS.
When entering Phone Number note phone numbers are typically presented as 10 digits.
Example: (808) 555-5555
For for your address entry it is divided as follows:
- Area Code: This is the 3 digit number noting the area of the U.S. the phone number is associated with. Phone numbers in Hawaii typically start with 808.
- Phone Number: the main 7 digits used for a phone number. Example: 555-5555
- Extensions: Typically used in phone numbers for businesses or large groups under one phone number. Your residence should not use an extension number.
If you do not have a U.S. phone number, use the main phone number of the building or leave it blank.
Do not enter anything in the International Access Code and Phone Number area. SEVIS cannot accept international phone numbers in this field.
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions
This area will continue to be updated as more information is made available
- Your U.S. Address is used to verify your physical presence in the U.S.
- Both your U.S. Address and U.S. Phone Number serve as a point of contact if necessary while you are in your F-1 or J-1 program.
- The ISS Office needs to report your U.S. Address and U.S. Phone Number as part of the activation of your immigration record.
The U.S. Government has very specific formatting restrictions for immigration records. If you do not enter your address information correctly, SEVIS will not accept the data and your contact information will be missing from your immigration record. This may put your immigration status at risk.
Students must ensure their SEVIS immigration record is updated within 10 days of any change. It is your responsibility to make sure your U.S. physical address (Current Residence) and U.S. phone number are up-to-date according to SEVIS requirements.
Updating Mailing Address in MyUH
How to Update Your Mailing Address
Step 1. Go to MyUH’s View / Update My Address and Phone(s) Page
- Go to the MyUH Service page for Address/Phone Updates
- Click on the Go button and Login to UH Services

MyUH webpage Address/Phone Update Go Button placement
If you run into any of these messages it is possible that you are logged into multiple Google Accounts and that is confusing the MyUH system:
“Permission Needed”, ”Authorization Required”, ”Session Timeout”, or “Error”
To resolve the issue, try the following:
- Make sure that you do not have an existing Incognito, InPrivate, or Private window open in your browser of choice.
- Open a new Incognito, InPrivate, or Private window.
- Go to the MyUH Service page for Address/Phone Updates and click Go in the Incognito/InPrivate/Private browsing window.
- Log in with your UH Username and Password at the UH Login Screen.
You should now be directed to the correct page.
If the above does not work you may need to log out of all your Google Accounts. Then only log in to your UH account and try again.
Step 2. Select Current in the Mailing Address Section

Selecting your most recent “Mailing Address” address to update in MyUH
If you have not already added a Mailing Address to your list of addresses or if your previous listing has passed its end date, you will need to create a new listing.
To add a new address:
- Under Type of Address to Insert below your list of Addresses select Mailing Address from the dropdown.
Click the Submit button.
Step 3. Update your address information
For your Mailing Address with the proper address information where you would like to receive any physical mail correspondence.
Make sure to hit Submit once you complete your entry.
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions
This area will continue to be updated as more information is made available
The University of Hawai'i uses Mailing Address as the location to send any physical mail from the university that needs to be delivered to you.
This may include any physical refund checks.
Updating Permanent Address
What is allowed for my Permanent Address?
F-1/J-1 Students are required to have an address from their home country. This information is kept as your Permanent Address in your university record. The following information is required:
- Your permanent address must be outside of the U.S.
- Address Line 1 must be 60 characters or less
- Address Line 2 must be 60 characters or less
How do I update my Permanent Address?
Step 1. Go to the Office of the Registrar page for Updating Personal Information
- Go to the Office of the Registrar page for Updating Personal Information
- Click on the Update Personal Information - Current Students button
You will be directed to a Kuali Build form and UH Login will be required after clicking the button
Step 2. Select the Option to Update your Permanent Address (PR)
- On the Kuali Build form select that you are an International Student.
- In the I am requesting the following item(s) to be updated field select Permanent Address (PR)
Step 3. Provide Information to the Form
- Complete the required fields of the form.
- Click the box for the Student Certification statement
- Click Sign this form button
After Submission
- You will receive a confirmation of your submission.
- A copy of your processed request will be forwarded to International Student Services so we will know your information has been updated.
- The Office of the Registrar will need to review your form and update your information
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions
This area will continue to be updated as more information is made available
All F-1 and J-1 students are required by law to report their permanent address outside the U.S to the U.S government, and update the government within 10 days of any change. The permanent address can be your parents’ or friend’s residential address but it cannot be a U.S address, university department address or a business address.