Manoa Network Upgrades

green circleStatus: On-target

Last Update: August 8, 2019
Primary Contact: Chris Zane (, Manager, Technology Infrastructure

Strategic Alignment:
21st Century Facilities

ITS Strategy:
(F) Deliver Value in Enterprise Systems

Description & Benefits:
ITS provides network support for the UH Manoa main campus. Over the next few years, ITS will upgrade aging network components at UH Manoa to help ensure the infrastructure remains reliable and can meet expected increased bandwidth demands.

The focus in year one will be on upgrading and expanding key portions of the Manoa wireless infrastructure. The biggest change will be an upgrade of the central wireless controllers that are housed in the Information Technology Center Data Center. Additionally, some distributed infrastructure will be replaced, and network density will be expanded in some high volume sites (e.g. some large classrooms).

This project will also include the development of a five-year plan for the network. The five-year plan will be a framework that University leadership can use to plan for future investment.


  • Year 2
    • 25% PII completion - January 2018 - Completed
    • 88% PII completion - February 2018 - Completed
    • Phase 2 of 3 wireless upgrade - February 2018 - Completed
    • Increase UHM Wifi coverage and density in Mānoa classrooms - Completed
  • Year 3
    • Received 500 APs - April 2018 - Completed
    • PIII completion - June 2018 - Completed
    • 100% completion of 2,247 APs upgraded on Manoa Campus - Completed
    • Deploy Eaton UPS upgrade - February 2019 - Completed
    • UPS Phase 3 of 3 of UPS refresh 100% complete - May 2019 - Completed
    • UHM Wifi & density in Manoa classrooms project - July 2019 - Completed