Our very own Associate Professor Andrew Wertheimer was recognized by the American Library Association (ALA) Library History Round Table (LHRT) as the inaugural winner of their Distinguished Service in Library History Award. For the past three decades Wertheimer has tried to advance research that explore transnational aspects of Asian American library history and build bridges with scholars and practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region. He also served as Chair of the LHRT and served on the editorial boards of LHRT’s Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, as well as Library History and Library Quarterly. Wertheimer co-edited Library History Research in America 25 years ago at the LHRT’s semi-centennial. He is currently involved in an oral history project on North American library historians. The Distinguished Service in Library History Award honors the career of a person with a lifetime of scholarship and service in the field of library history. The award recipient will have a record of contributions that demonstrate length, breadth, and depth of involvement in library history. The recipient will have made a significant impact on the work of the Round Table or on the library history community at large.