LIS Adjunct Professor Dr. Adam Jansen, our State Archivist, organized a fascinating international conference on AI and digital archives in February 2024. Our SAA-SC was a co-sponsor. The photo shows SAAsc board members Morgan Schmidt, Jasmine Malone, Kelli Wong, and Ani Kawada volunteering at the event. LIS Student Kevin Houck represented ARMA Hawai‘i, which was another co-sponsor. Archival faculty Stanislava Gardasevic, Janel Quirante, Jill Sommer, and Andrew Wertheimer and other students and recent graduates enjoyed catching up to speed with InterPARES Trust AI efforts to help archival repositories to create best practices around using AI. Many of the same students and faculty also participated the following day at AHA‘s annual meeting program where we learned about AHA efforts to assist archives and cultural sites that struggled with the Maui fire.
InterPARES videos:
- Part 1
- Part 2