- Location:
- 310 W. Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI, 96732
- Website:
- http://maui.hawaii.edu/library/
Internship Description
Duties and projects include reference and circulation desks, technical services, student instruction and library tours, and any tasks or projects that are appropriate to the library’s needs and the intern’s level of expertise.
Library/Collection Description
University of Hawaiʻi Maui College Library’s mission is to provide resources and services to stimulate intellectual curiosity and to facilitate learning and research within the academic community. We are a proactive organization that addresses issues, anticipates trends, and sets its agenda with the needs of the current and future college community in mind
Required Qualifications
- LIS 601 Introduction to Reference & Information Services
Desired Qualifications
- Familiarity with basic library procedures and the MCC library reference resources
Weekly Schedule
Will be scheduled in minimum 1-hour segments, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. May be modified to include Saturdays after intern is familiar with operations.
Goals and Outcomes
Gain experience in tasks and projects, familiarity with Maui College Library’s reference resources, experience working with library personnel and users, and experience in technical services.
Evaluation Methods
Intern will be evaluated on reliability, evidence of increasing competence in library duties, ability to interpret and follow through on instructions and assignments, and evidence of interest level. Format will be reports to and discussion with supervising librarian.
Evaluation Schedule
Evaluation will be done mid-course and at completion of internship.
Contact Information
- Supervisor:
- Shavonn Matsuda
- E-mail:
- shavonn@hawaii.edu
- Telephone:
- (808) 984-3584