Hawaiian and Pacific Reference Services, Hamilton Library

2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI, 96822

Internship Description

Participating in the reference service offered in the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections Department. This work consists largely of answering questions from students, faculty, visiting researchers and community members relating to Hawaiian and Pacific Islands topics. Reference desk time would be approximately 8 hours per week, with the remaining two hours used for follow-up and/or assistance with our ever-growing email reference, special projects such as preparing guides or creating exhibits, and other areas as time permits.

Library/Collection Description

The Hawaiian and Pacific Collections Department houses the Hawaiian Collection and the Pacific Collection. Intern will be working largely with Hawaiian and Pacific reference sources: bibliographies, dictionaries, handbooks, etc. and web sites of relevance to our area focus. Special projects may be included.

Required Qualifications

  • LIS 601 Introduction to Reference & Information Services

Desired Qualifications

  • LIS 687 Hawaiian Studies Information Resources
  • LIS 688 Pacific Islands Information Resources
  • Strong interest in reference work
  • A desire to expand knowledge of print and electronic resources for Hawaiian and Pacific Studies

Weekly Schedule

Hours will be arranged around intern’s schedule, but will fall between Mon-Fri 10-5.

Goals and Outcomes

This position will allow the graduate student to expand her/his knowledge of print and electronic reference sources for Hawaiian and Pacific Studies. We will provide intensive training and the opportunity to serve at a reference desk known for high quality of service.

Evaluation Methods

The coordinator will arrange for on-the-job training with our specialists and will evaluate progress at timely intervals. Evaluation will be based on the coordinator’s observations and her discussions with department librarians who have worked with the intern(s). Evaluation will be prepared in writing and discussed in person with the intern(s).

Evaluation Schedule

Initially intern will serve with a Hawaiian and Pacific Collections Department librarian and after training and desk experience will “solo” at our reference desk. At a minimum, evaluation will occur after the first month, mid-semester and at the end of the semester.

Contact Information

Dore Minatodani
(808) 956-2852
Last Updated: 2016August08