Loren G. Yamamoto, MD, MPH
Alson S. Inaba, MD
Robert M. DiMauro, MD

Kapiolani Medical Center For Women And Children
Dept. Pediatrics, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine
1319 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96826

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Vol 1 - Vol 6 Index

abdominal abscess:  V3C19, V5C11
abdominal distention:  V2C4,V2C8, V3C11, V3C16, V3C17
abdominal pain
     appendicitis:  V3C19, V4C10
          see also:  appendicitis
     bowel obstruction - see bowel obstruction
     cholecystitis:  V5C18
     imperforate hymen:  V4C8
     intussusception:  V1C2, V2C13
          see also intussusception
     Meckel's diverticulitis:  V4C9
     non-specific:  V3C10
     leukemia:  V1C4, V5C12
     pneumonia:  V1C3, V2C5
     psoas abscess:  V5C11
     spinal fracture:  V1C4
     volvulus - see volvulus
abdominal radiographs, series, test your skill:  V3C18
     abdominal - see abdominal abscess
     prevertebral - see retropharyngeal abscess
     psoas - see psoas abscess
     retropharyngeal - see retropharyngeal abscess
absent liver edge sign of intussusception:  V1C2
acetabular fracture:  V2C12
Achille's tendonitis - see Sever's disease
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - see HIV
acromioclavicular (AC) injury:  V4C13
AIDS - see HIV
airway obstruction:  V1C10, V2C16, V2C20, V4C7>, V5C20
Alagille's syndrome:  V6C5
aneurysmal bone cyst:  V6C1
     aortography - see aortogram
     cerebral:  V3C9
     magnetic resonance:  V3C9
ankle sprain:  V1C13, V3C3, V3C5
ankle fracture:  V3C3, V3C4, V3C5
ankle radiographs, series, test your skill:  V3C5
anterior humeral line:  V1C12, V2C18
aortic aneurysm:  V3C12
aortic arch, double:  V6C19
aortic arch, right sided:  V6C19, V6C20
aortic coarctation:  V2C6
aortic dissection - see aortic aneurysm
aortoesophageal syndrome:  V2C1
aortogram:  V3C12, V5C14
appendicitis:  V3C18, V3C19, V4C10, V6C18
appendicolith:  V3C18, V4C10, V6C18
appendicolith series:  V6C18
Apt test:  V2C14
arteriohepatic dysplasia:  V6C5
     ankle:  V3C6
ascites:  V2C4
atelectasis, pulmonary:  V2C7, V3C20, V4C5
     see also pneumonia
avascular necrosis
     hip - see hip, avascular necrosis
     scaphoid - see scaphoid fracture

barium swallow - see esophagram
Barlow sign:  V2C13
battery foreign body - see foreign body
bone cyst:  V6C1
bone scan:  V2C17, V4C2
bowel obstruction:  V1C2, V2C8, V3C16, V3C17,
          V3C18, V5C10, V5C16, V5C17, V5C19
     incarcerated inguinal hernia - see inguinal hernia
     intussusception:  V1C2, V2C13, V3C18, V5C10
     Meckel's diverticulum:  V5C19
     series, test your skill:  V3C18
     volvulus - see volvulus
bowing fracture:  V6C16
brain abscess:  V5C8
brain tumor:  V3C15
bronchogenic cyst:  V6C17
bronchopulmonary dysplasia:  V3C2, V4C5
bucket handle fracture:  V4C2
button battery foreign body - see foreign body

calcaneal apophysitis - see Sever's disease
calcaneal tendinitis - see Sever's disease
calcaneus fracture:  V1C18, V3C5
calcification, coronary aneurysms - see coronary aneurysm
calcification, intraabdominal:  V3C10, V5C18
     see also appendicolith
calcification, soft tissue:  V6C11
calcification, subcutaneous:  V6C11
cast syndrome:  V5C16
cerebral angiography - see angiography, cerebral
cerebral abscess:  V5C8
cerebrovascular accident:
          epidural - see epidural hematoma
          subarachnoid - see subarachnoid hemorrhage
          subdural - see subdural hematoma
     occlusive:  V3C9
cervical spine:
     fracture:  V2C20, V5C2, V5C3, V5C4, V5C5
     dislocation:  V1C5, V2C20, V5C2, V5C5
     malalignment:  V1C5, V2C20, V5C2, V5C3, 
          V5C4, V5C5
     normal anatomy:  V5C2
     pseudosubluxation:  V1C5, V2C20, V5C5
chest pain:
     aortic dissection:  V3C12
     pneumomediastinum:  V1C7, V6C12
     pneumothorax:  V3C13
chest radiographs, series, test your skill:  V3C20, V4C5
child abuse:  V1C1, V2C17, V3C14, V3C15, V4C2,
     V4C18, V5C7, V5C9, V5C10, V6C2
cholecystitis:  V5C18
chondrolysis:  V4C19
chronic lung disease - see bronchopulmonary dysplasia
clavicle fracture:  V4C5
coarctation of the aorta - see aortic coarctation
     in relation to pneumomediastinum:  V1C7
coin foreign bodies -  see foreign body
colitis:  V3C18
compression fracture, cervical spine - see cervical spine
compression fracture, spinal - see spinal compression
congenital syphilis:  V6C4
congenital heart disease - see heart disease
congenital lobar emphysema - see emphysema, lobar
congestive heart failure - see heart disease, congestive
     heart failure
congestive heart failure, high output - see high output
     congestive heart failure
coronary aneurysm:  V4C4
corner fracture:  V4C2
craniopharyngioma:  V3C15
crescent sign of intussusception:  V1C2
CRITOE - see elbow, ossification centers
croup:  V1C10, V2C20, V5C20
     differential diagnosis:  V1C10
     membranous:  V5C20
cyanotic congenital heart disease - see heart disease
cyst, bone:  V6C1
cysticercosis:  V4C1

dermatomyositis:  V6C11
diaphragmatic hernia:  V1C6
dice ingestion:  V3C8
DiGeorge syndrome:  V2C2
diphtheria:  V5C20
dissecting aortic aneurysm - see aortic aneurysm
double aortic arch - see arotic arch
drowning - see near drowning

effusion, pleural - see pleural effusion
elbow:  V1C11, V1C12, V1C19, V2C18
     fat pads posterior & anterior:  V1C12, V1C15, V2C18
     fracture:  V1C11, V1C12, V1C15, V1C17, V1C19,
          see also supracondylar fracture
          see also radial head fracture
     hourglass sign:  V1C12, V2C18
     oblique vs lateral:  V1C12
     ossification centers:  V1C11, V2C18
     series, test your skill:  V2C18
     sprain:  V1C17
electrocautery:  V4C7
emphysema, lobar:  V1C9, V4C5
emphysema, pulmonary:  V6C17
emphysema, subcutaneous:  V1C7, V3C20, V6C12
empyema:  V2C5
enophthalmos:  V6C9
epidural hematoma:  V5C6, V5C7
epiglottitis:  V1C10, V2C19, V2C20
esophagram:  V6C19, V6C20
exophthalmos:  V6C9, V6C10

failure to thrive:  V3C16
fat pad sign - see elbow
fecalith - see appendicolith
femur fracture:  V2C11, V2C17, V4C2, V6C2, V6C3, V6C6
fibromuscular dysplasia:  V3C9
fibula fracture:  V3C3, V3C4, V3C5
figure of 8 sign - see hourglass sign
foot fracture:  V4C14
foreign body:
     aspiration:  V1C8, V2C7, V3C20
     button battery:  V2C9
     bronchial:  V1C8, V2C7, V3C20
     coin:  V2C1, V2C9, V6C20
     esophageal:  V2C1, V6C20
     gastrointestinal:  V2C9, V3C8, V5C8
     laryngeal:  V1C8, V2C16
     tracheal:  V1C8

Galeazzi's injury:  V1C16
Goodpasteur's syndrome:  V3C7

Hamman's sign:  V1C7
hand contusion:  C1V14
hangman's fracture:  V5C3
     in contrast to pseudosubluxation:  V1C5
Harrison's groove (of rickets):  V6C5
heart block, congenital:  V1C6
heart disease:
     aortic coarctation:  V2C6
     block, congenital:  V1C6
     congestive heart failure:  V2C2, V2C6, V3C1,
          V3C11, V4C3, V4C5
     cor triatriatum:  V4C3
     cyanotic:  V2C3
     myocarditis:  V3C1
     tetralogy of Fallot:  V2C3
     ventricular septal defect:  V2C2, V2C3
     wheezing:  V2C3, V2C6
heel - see also calcaneus
heel pain:  V1C20
hemangioma:  V3C11
hematemesis:  V2C1, V2C14
hematochezia:  V2C1, V2C15, V6C14
hematocolpos:  V4C8
hemoptysis:  V2C1, V3C7, V5C13
hepatic angle - see subhepatic angle
hepatic pneumatosis:  V2C14, V6C14
hernia, diaphragmatic - see diaphragmatic hernia
hernia, inguinal - see inguinal hernia
     brain:  V5C6
     cingulate:  V5C6
     subfalcine:  V5C6
     superior vermian:  V5C6
     tonsillar:  V5C6
     transtentorial:  V5C6
     uncal:  V5C6
hyperparathyroidism:  V6C5
high output congestive heart failure:  V3C11
     avascular necrosis:  V2C10, V4C16, V4C17
     chondrolysis:  V4C19
     dislocation:  V2C13, V6C15
     effusion:  V4C15, V4C17
     fracture:  V2C12
     pain:  V2C10, V2C11, V2C12, V4C15, V4C16,
          V4C17, V4C19, V4C20, V5C11, V5C12
     septic hip:  V4C17
     slipped capital femoral epiphysis:  V2C10
Hirschprung's disease:  V3C18
HIV:  V2C15
hourglass sign:  V1C12
horizon view (knee) - see sunrise view
human immunodeficiency virus - see HIV
humeral line, anterior - see anterior humeral line
humerus fracture:  V4C2, V6C1, V6C3
     see also supracondylar fracture
hypernatremia:  V3C14
hypocalcemia:  V2C2, V6C5
hyponatremia:  V3C15
hypoparathyroidism:  V2C2
hypophosphatemia:  V6C5

ileus:  V3C18
iliac avulsion fracture:  V4C20
imperforate hymen:  V4C8
inguinal hernia:  V3C16
     incarceration:  V3C16, V3C18
intercondylar distal femur fracture:  V6C6
intracerebral hemorrhage:  V5C6, V5C7
intracranial hemorrhage:  V1C1, V3C14, V5C6, V5C7
intracranial hypertension:  V1C1, V5C6, V5C7, V5C8
intracranial pressure (ICP), increased - see intracranial
intraventricular hemorrhage:  V5C6, V5C7
intussusception:  V1C2, V2C13, V3C18, V5C10

Jefferson fracture:  V5C4

Kawasaki disease:  V3C1, V4C4
Klein's line:  V2C10
knee pain:  V2C10, V4C11, V6C6, V6C7, V6C8
     see also hip pain

laryngeal web:  V5C20
laryngitis:  V2C19
lateral necks:  V1C5, V2C19, V2C20, V5C2, V5C3,
     V5C4, V5C5, V5C20
     series, test your skill:  V2C20, V5C5
lead poisoning:  V3C8
Legg-Perthes disease:  V4C16
leukemia:  V1C4, V5C12
limp:  V4C16
lobar emphysema - see emphsema, lobar
lymphoma:  V2C4
lytic lesion:  V6C1, V6C4, V6C5

magnetic resonance angiography - see angiography,
     magnetic resonance
malrotation:  V2C8, V3C17
Meckel's diverticulitis:  V4C9
Meckel's diverticulum:  V4C9, V5C19
melena:  V2C1
membranous croup:  V5C20
microcolon:  V3C18
Monteggia's injury:  V1C15, V2C18
Moyamoya disease:  V3C9
myocardial failure - see heart disease
myocarditis - see heart disease

navicular (hand) fracture - see scaphoid fracture
near drowning:  V5C15
necrotizing enterocolitis:  V2C14, V6C14
neurocysticercosis:  V4C1

obstruction, bowel - see bowel obstruction
olecrenon fracture - see ulna fracture
orbital emphysema:  V6C9
orbital fracture:  V6C9
orbital inflammation:  V6C10
orbital pseudotumor:  V6C10
Ortolani sign:  V2C13
os calcis - see calcaneus
osteogenesis imperfecta:  V6C2, V6C3
osteoid osteoma:  V4C15
osteopenia:  V6C3, V6C4, V6C5

pacemaker:  V1C6
patella dislocation:  V6C7
patella fracture:  V6C8
pathologic fracture:  V6C1, V6C2, V6C3, V6C5
periosteal elevation V2C17, V4C2, V6C4
peritoneal fat margins:  V3C19, V4C9
pleural effusion:  V2C4, V2C5, V4C6
pneumatosis intestinalis:  V2C14, V6C14
pneumomediastinum:  V1C7, V3C20, V4C5, V6C12
pneumonia:  V1C3, V2C5, V2C7, V2C15, V3C20,
     V4C5, V4C6, V5C14
     CT scan:  V2C5
     pneumocystis:  V2C15
     recurrent:  V2C7, V5C14
     staphyloccocal:  V2C5
pneumopericardium:  V3C20
pneumothorax:  V3C13, V4C5
     CT scan:  V3C13
     differential diagnosis:
          diaphragmatic hernia:  V1C6
          lobar emphysema:  V1C9
          intrapulmonary blebs:  V3C2
     tension, differential diagnosis:  V1C6, V1C9
polymyositis:  V6C11
portal free air:  V2C14
posterior interhemispheric subdural hemotoma - see
     subdural hematoma
prevertebal abscess -  see retropharyngeal abscess
proptosis:  V6C10
pseudosubluxation, cervical spine - see cervical spine
psoas abscess:  V5C11
pulmonary edema:  V5C15
pulmonary emphysema - see emphysema
pulmonary hemorrhage:  V3C7
pulmonary hemosiderosis:  V3C7
pulmonary sequestration:  V5C14
pulmonary venolobar syndrome:  V5C13, V5C14
pyloric stenosis:  V5C17

quadrigeminal plate cistern:  V5C6

rachitic rosary:  V6C5
radial head dislocation:  V1C15, V2C18
radial head fracture:  V1C15, V1C17, V2C18
radiocapitellar line:  V1C12, V1C15, V2C18
radioopaque substances:  V3C10
radioulnar dislocation:  V1C16
radius fracture:  V1C13, V1C14, V1C15, V1C16,
     V1C17, V1C18, V2C17, V2C18, V6C5
renal infarction:  V3C12
retinal hemorrhages:  V1C1, V3C14
retrocardiac pneumonia:  V1C3, V5C14
retrocardiac infiltrate, pulmonary:  V1C3, V5C14
retropharyngeal abscess:  V1C10, V2C20, V5C1
rib fracture:  V6C3
rickets:  V6C5
right sided aortic arch - see aortic arch
rotation, chest radiograph:  V1C9

Salter-Harris fractures:  V1C18
     Type I:  V1C13, V1C18, V3C5
     Type II:  V1C18
     Type III:  V1C18, V3C5
     Type IV:  V1C18
     Type V:  V1C18, V3C5
salt poisoning:  V3C14
scaphoid fracture:  V1C14
scimitar syndrome:  V5C13
seizure:  V2C2, V4C1, V4C10
septic arthritis:
     ankle:  V3C6
     hip:  V4C17
sequestration - see pulmonary sequestration
Sever's disease:  V1C20
shaken baby syndrome:  V1C1, V3C14, V5C7
     see also child abuse
Shenton's arc:  V2C13
shoulder dislocation:  V4C12
skeletal survey:  V2C17, V4C2, V5C10
skull fracture:  V5C9, V5C10
slipped capital femoral epiphysis:  V2C10
small bowel obstruction - see bowel obstruction
snuffbox, anatomic:  V1C14
spinal compression fracture:  V1C4, V2C17, V6C13
     ankle - see ankle sprain
     elbow - see elbow sprain
     wrist - see wrist sprain
stridor:  V1C10, V5C20, V6C19, V6C20
stroke - see cerebrovascular accident
subarachnoid hemorrhage:  V5C7
     in relation to shaken baby syndrome:  V1C1
subcutaneous emphysema - see emphysema, subcutaneous
subdural hematoma:  V1C1, V3C14, V5C6, V5C7
subdural hematoma, posterior interhemispheric:  V1C1,
     V3C14, V5C6, V5C7
subhepatic angle, loss of
     as in intussuception:  V1C2
submersion injury - see near drowning
sunrise view (knee):  V6C7, V6C8
supracondylar fracture:  V1C12, V2C18
suprasellar cistern:  V5C6
Swischuk line:  V1C5, V5C3
syphilis:  V6C4

tangential view (knee) - see sunrise view
tapeworm, pork - see Tinea solium
target sign of intussusception:  V1C2, V3C18
tension pneumothorax - see pneumothorax, tension
tetany:  V2C2
thigh pain:  V2C10
     see also hip pain
three column concept:  V6C13
thumb spica splint:  V1C14v
     aplasia - see DiGeorge syndrome
     demarcation - see pneumomediastinum
     hypoplasia - see DiGeorge syndrome
tibia fracture:  V1C18, V2C17, V3C4,
      V3C5, V4C2, V4C18
tibial tuberosity avulsion:  V4C11
Tinea solium:  V4C1
toddler's fracture:  V4C18
tracheal compression/narrowing:  V6C19, V6C20
tracheostomy:  V2C16, V4C7
transtracheal ventilation:  V2C16, V4C7
tuberculosis:  V4C6

ulna fracture:  V1C15, V1C16, V2C18, V6C16
unicameral bone cyst:  V6C1

vascular ring:  V6C19, V6C20
venolobar syndrome, pulmonary - see pulmonary
     venolobar syndrome
ventricular septal defect - see heart disease
vertebral body fracture - see spinal compression
vitamin D deficiency:  V6C5
volvulus:  V2C8, V3C17
     cecal:  V2C8
     intermittent:  V2C8
     midgut:  V2C8, V3C17
     sigmoid:  V2C8

water intoxication:  V3C15
Wimberger sign:  V6C4
wormian bones (discussion only):  V6C2, V6C3
wrist, sprain:  V1C13




Page Author
Loren Yamamoto, MD, MPH
Professor of Pediatrics
University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine
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