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University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu

This fall, the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu will host a lecture series featuring leading feminist philosophers. Sponsored by a UH Diversity and Equity Initiative grant, the feminist philosopher series aims to increase understanding of feminist philosophy in areas such as ethics, epistemology and politics.

The lectures will take place on Friday, September 19, October 3, October 24 and November 14, 9:30–10:50 a.m. in the UH West Oʻahu Classroom Building D151. The lectures are free and open to the public.

Lecture schedule

  • September 19
    Can there be feminists before feminism? with Tamara Albertini

    UH Mānoa Professor of Philosophy Tamara Albertini will present an exploration of women philosophers from Hildegard of Bingen to Moderata Fonte. Women philosophers like Hildegard of Bingen and Moderata Fonte have made extraordinary contributions to philosophy and sciences. Unfortunately, they were often plagiarized of marginalized and, as a result, forgotten by a later male-dominated tradition. This lecture is part of a larger effort to honor the philosophical creativity of women and redress the injustice done to their achievements.

  • October 3
    Care ethics in a comparative context with Vrinda Dalmiya

    UH Mānoa Associate Professor of Philosophy and Chair of undergraduate studies in philosophy Vrinda Dalmiya will discuss the development of feminist care ethics as a viable alternative to mainstream ethical systems. She will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of extending the understanding of ‘care’ by looking at non-Western sources.

  • October 24
    Making space for women: the significance of cultural location (and relocation) in defining what constitutes liberation with Mary Tiles

    UH Mānoa Professor Emerita Mary Tiles will discuss the topic of women and the public space. In many cultures, a woman’s place has been the home. They were ruled by husbands who owned them and their role was domestic. Women were part of the private realm, having no public role or place. The move from private to public poses a dilemma (similar to that faced by groups moving from one culture to another)—should women advocate for distinctive public roles, creating their own institutional spaces or should they demand parity with men and entry on equal terms into previously masculine preserves? Tiles will discuss this topic in the context of the varied impacts of World War I on women in the United Kingdom.

  • November 14
    Feminism, then and now—what happened? with Sharon Rowe

    Kapiʻolani Community College Professor of Philosophy Sharon Rowe will discuss the evolution of feminist movements. What were the lived experiences that motivated second wave feminism? How did it happen that feminism evolved from being a dynamic social-political-economic force, to being a perforative that most women flee from? This lecture-discussion looks back to what occurred 50 years ago, and highlights the relevance of the 1960’s women’s movement to current day. What issues remain and what ideas still maintain currency, affecting women’s lives and self-image as they have for centuries?

For more information about the UH Oʻahu Feminist Philosophers Lecture Series, contact UH West Oʻahu Professor of Philosophy Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee by email or at (808) 689-2356.

—By Julie Funasaki Yuen

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