The Voice of the Sea television series produced by the Sea Grant College Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa won five 2019 Telly Awards out of 12,000 entries from five continents and all 50 states.
Voice of the Sea won two bronze Telly awards in the educational institution category for “Designing Future Coastal Communities“ and “Visiting the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology,” which highlighted the School of Architecture and Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology. Both episodes delved into the cutting-edge work the university is doing to understand sustainability, community resilience and tropical marine ecosystems.
Voice of the Sea also won two bronze awards for “Adapting Culture to Climate Change” and “Hidden Benefits of Farming Kalo” in the cultural category. The episodes explored how cultural practitioners, university faculty, community members and non-profit organizations work together to understand changes in the environment, and how centuries-old traditions are critical to optimizing current food production and water quality.
In the education category, Voice of the Sea won a bronze award for “Water Resources Research.” It featured the Water Resources Research Center and how its research furthers understanding of the unique water and wastewater management issues in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific.
Voice of the Sea airs on K5 The Home Team every Saturday at 4 p.m. and Sunday at 5:30 p.m. It is a signature project of the UH Sea Grant Center for Marine Science Education.
The Telly Awards were established in 1979 to honor excellence and support creativity in local, regional and cable television programming.
See the full story on the Sea Grant website.
—By Cindy Knapman