The search process has officially commenced to hire the university librarian, who is the chief academic and administrative officer of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa library.
The library is currently being led by an interim appointment.
The UH Mānoa library serves as a key resource for its campus, other UH campuses and the community. It houses research collections in the humanities, social sciences, science and technology, as well as collections about Hawaiʻi and the Pacific and Asia region, among others.
Denise Konan, dean of the College of Social Sciences, will serve as chair of the search advisory committee.
The committee will recommend a finalist to UH Mānoa Provost Michael Bruno, who will then recommend a nominee to UH President David Lassner.
For the job announcement, position description and the list of search advisory committee members, go to the search website.
Review of applications will begin in the summer and continue until the position is filled.