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Course evaluations through the Course Evaluation System (CES) will NOT be required this semester at the University of Hawaiʻi due to the abrupt shift in the mode of delivering courses. To opt out, faculty must go into the CES system and elect not to participate this semester by clicking “disable survey.”

Additionally, while some departments and/or campuses require that department chairs see all course evaluations, spring 2020 evaluations will NOT be shared with department chairs. CES has been set up so that chairs will NOT receive copies for spring 2020.

CES will open the day after the deadline for withdrawal and be available from May 1–8 because the date to withdraw from a course has been extended until April 30. Faculty will have until April 30 to edit their CES questions.

To ensure that there is a record of this decision, the guidelines for tenure and promotion and contract renewal at each campus will be updated to note that course evaluations for spring 2020 should not be considered in personnel decisions, except in cases for which faculty voluntarily choose to submit them.

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