Congratulations to all the University of Hawaiʻi graduates who got their degrees at fall 2021 commencement ceremonies at UH West Oʻahu, UH Hilo and UH Mānoa.
Keep checking back on the story as more images are added.
All the photos can be viewed on the University of Hawaiʻi fall 2021 commencement album in Flickr.
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UH West Oʻahu
The fall 2021 commencement on December 11 was UH West Oʻahu’s first in-person commencement since fall 2019. It featured two ceremonies. Additionally, a separate virtual commencement ceremony can be viewed following the ceremonies.
For more photos go to the campus commencement Flickr album or UH Flickr album.
UH Hilo
On December 18, 2021 UH Hilo held two in-person ceremonies at Vulcan Gym. The first ceremony begins at 9 a.m. for students in the College of Arts and Sciences, Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani College of Hawaiian Language and College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management. The second ceremony was at 2 p.m. for College of Natural and Health Sciences, College of Business and Economics and Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy students.
The ceremony may also be viewed on the UH Hilo commencement website. For more photos go to the UH Flickr album.
UH Mānoa
UH Mānoa held two hybrid commencement celebrations on December 17 and 18, 2021 in SimpliFi Arena at Stan Sheriff Center.
For more photos go to the UH Flickr album.