The University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu has been reaffirmed for eight years of accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission. The accreditation process is a marker of institutional quality, and accreditation is required by the U.S. Department of Education for students to be able to access federal financial assistance, including student loans.
“Much mahalo to our faculty, staff and students who worked collaboratively to develop our report and host the WASC Senior College and University Commission campus visit team,” UH West Oʻahu Chancellor Maenette Benham said. “The commendations acknowledge our good work, and the recommendations will strengthen UH West Oʻahu in our efforts to foster excellence in teaching, learning and service to our communities.”
More information on the reaffirmation process, including key documents and the steering committee and writing team members can be found on the UH West Oʻahu 2022 Accreditation Reaffirmation webpage.