University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner has been named to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure.

The NSF Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI) advises NSF on the agency’s plans and strategies to develop and support a state-of-the art cyberinfrastructure that enables advances across all fields of science and engineering. Lassner joins 16 other committee members from higher education institutions and federal research labs.
The ACCI is advisory to the entire NSF and works most closely with its Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC). Within NSF, OAC supports cyberinfrastructure resources, tools and related services such as supercomputers, high-capacity mass-storage systems, system software suites and programming environments and scalable interactive visualization tools—all linked by high speed campus, regional, national and international networks. OAC also supports the preparation and training of current and future generations of researchers and educators to use cyberinfrastructure to further their research and education goals.
Earlier this year, Lassner was also asked to re-join the Board of Trustees of Internet2, the U.S. community of higher education, research institutions, government entities, corporations and cultural organizations that works together to provide a secure high-speed network, cloud solutions, research support and services all tailored to support research and education. The Internet2 Board is structured with a mix of university presidents, chief information officers, network operators and others. In 2010, Lassner received Internet2’s Richard Rose Award, which recognizes extraordinary individual contributions to extending the reach of advanced networking from research universities to the broadest education community.
“I am honored to be a part of these two organizations, both of which advance research and education through the application of modern computing, information and networking technologies,” Lassner said. “It is all too easy for Hawaiʻi to be overlooked in national agendas given our distance and separation from the continental U.S. UH can make substantial contributions through the work of our own researchers and cyberinfrastructure innovators, and we have a particularly important role in connecting U.S. activities to the Pacific and Asia.”