To connect high school and college students with information technology (IT) careers in local companies, the University of Hawaiʻi and the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii present Tech Days of Fall 2023, September 28–October 27.
The Tech Days events are sponsored by several local organizations with an interest in increasing Hawaiʻi’s skilled IT workforce to meet the demand for high-growth, local jobs.
“We are deeply grateful for the industry partnerships that are helping us provide opportunities for our graduates to find fulfilling jobs right out of college,” said UH President David Lassner. “We are committed to preparing our students and connecting them into high-paying technology careers so they can live and thrive in Hawaiʻi.”
Besides UH and the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, event partners include IT Sector Partnership, CIO Council of Hawaiʻi, Cyber Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Defense Alliance, Pacific Intelligence Innovation Initiative (P3I), Thrive HI, the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship and the Association of Computing Machinery Student Chapter. Events will be held in-person at locations throughout Oʻahu.
“Constant change is the only predictable part of the technology industry, and as a result, it continues to expand and create career pathways for the future. It is more important than ever that we prepare our local students to pursue high-skilled and high-wage tech careers,” said Sherry Menor-McNamara, president and CEO of Chamber of Commerce Hawaii. “The Tech Days program is an invaluable opportunity for students to interact with tech professionals, explore diverse career options and match with potential employers.”
Students can view the full listing of events and register for them on the 2023 Hawaiʻi Tech Days of Fall website. Interested employers may register for career fairs.
Event schedule
Thursday, September 28
10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Careers in Intelligence Fair
This career fair allows participants to explore career options in the intelligence community and other industry partners.
Held at UH Mānoa Campus Center Ballroom
Sponsored by UH, P3I, Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and UH ISAP
5–7 p.m. (Hawaiʻi Department of Education welcome)
Talk Story with Tech Pros
Students meet and interact informally with tech professionals.
Held at the UH Mānoa RISE Building
Sponsored by ThriveHI, PACE and UH
Tuesday, October 3
8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (invitation only)
IT Career Pathways Summit: Making Connections Between K–12, Post Secondary, and Industry
Bringing together educators and industry professionals to collaborate on IT opportunities and learnings.
Held at the Japanese Cultural Center
Sponsored by the CIO Council of Hawaiʻi, UH, Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and Hawaiʻi P–20
Thursday, October 5
10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Careers in IT and Cyber Fair
As part of the UH West Oʻahu Career & Internship Fair, this career fair allows participants to explore career options in the information technology and cybersecurity field and connect with businesses and organizations looking to recruit students for multiple positions.
Held at UH West Oʻahu Campus Center, Multipurpose Room C-208
Sponsored by UH West Oʻahu, UH Community Colleges and Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Tuesday, October 10
8 a.m.–2 p.m. (Hawaiʻi Department of Education welcome)
IT Educator Externship
Provides HIDOE teachers an opportunity to hear from and visit local tech and intelligence employers.
Held at various locations TBA
Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and P3I
Friday, October 13
9 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
Hawaiʻi —A tech and intelligence career awareness fair for high school students is also being planned by UH and the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. The date and time have not yet been determined. Future in Cyber Workshop
This workshop gives students the opportunity to play World of Haiku, a first-of-its-kind video game that teaches critical cybersecurity skills. They also will meet real cybersecurity experts and discover what it’s like to work in the field.
Held at UH West Oʻahu
Sponsored by UH, Ember River, World of Haiku, Cyber Hawaiʻi and CIO Council of Hawaiʻi
2–4 p.m.
Careers in Tech Fair
This career fair gives an opportunity to explore career options with local and national industry partners for students studying information and computer science, computer engineering and management information systems (Including software engineering and development, data sciences, system analyses, etc.).
Held at UH Mānoa Campus Center Ballroom
Sponsored by UH, UH Mānoa ICS Department, ACM Student Chapter and Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Monday–Friday, October 23–27
9 a.m.–5 p.m. (by invitation only)
To reduce the consequences of cyber-enabled sabotage across our nation’s critical energy infrastructure systems, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, in collaboration with the Idaho National Laboratory, developed the CyberStrike Training Program. This in-person training program works to enhance the ability of energy sector owners and operators to prepare for a cyber incident impacting operational technology through live instruction and hands-on exercises drawing from elements of the 2015 and 2016 cyber incidents in Ukraine, as well as more recent cyber events.
Held at the UH Mānoa RISE Building
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, UH, Hawaiʻi State Department of Homeland Security, CyberHawaii and PACE
A tech and intelligence career awareness fair for high school students is also being planned by UH and the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. The date and time have not yet been determined.