This week’s UH News Image of the Week is from the Leeward Community College‘s Allan Nebrija, a disabilities specialist in Academic Services.
Nebrija shared, “The 2nd Annual Filipino Cultural Summit was hosted at Leeward Community College on Saturday, October 7. This year’s summit focused on the intersection of history and community. Through the breakout sessions the participants were able to explore the journey and enduring legacy of Filipino Americans in Hawaiʻi. The event is in line with the UH System mission of providing an environment for ‘students and faculty to discover, examine critically, preserve, and transmit the knowledge, wisdom and values that will help ensure the survival of the present and future generations with improvement in the quality of life.‘ This photo was taken in front of Leeward Community College’s Multi Lingual Mural, and features the event coordinators and attendees. The event was made possible though the partnership of the Leeward CC Pamantasan Committee, the Filipino Jaycees of Honolulu, the Sariling Gawa Youth Council and Leeward CC Filipino Studies.”
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Pep Band
Maunakea Sunset
Wahine Soccer
Red Ti Leaf
Go ‘Bows!
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