In response to recent discoveries of illegal releases from private marine aquariums across the state, the University of Hawaiʻi and other organizations launched an awareness campaign, “Don’t Let it Loose Hawaiʻi,” aimed at stopping this unlawful behavior.
The campaign is spearheaded by Christy Martin, program manager of the Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS), a project of the UH Mānoa Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit housed in the UH Mānoa School of Life Sciences.

One instance of an aquarium release involved the illegal soft coral known as “pulse coral” or “pulsing xenia” (Unomia stolonifera). It has spread from what is believed to be the initial release site to now occupy a nearly 80-acre footprint near the mouth of Pearl Harbor.
Some marine aquarium releases are thought to be from hobbyists that were not aware of no-kill and rehoming alternatives, possible harm to the environment, or that the species released were illegal to import and possess.
The State Division of Aquatic Resources Aquatic Invasive Species team has also responded to several public reports of non-native or suspicious marine species of hard corals and anemones that appear to have been purposefully outplanted from illegal aquariums into nearshore environments by hobbyists, for later collection and sale on the black market. This is also illegal and poses multiple risks to the marine environment.
“During the past year, a similar marine aquarium species of soft coral native to the Red Sea was found spreading on reefs in Puerto Rico. With the global increase in marine aquarium ownership, and the U.S. being the largest consumer, we should expect to see an increase in releases,” Martin said.
UH student designs logo
Martin has served as a guest speaker for UH classes, highlighting current issues, needs and opportunities to participate. In fall 2023, she shared her description of the situation in Pearl Harbor with the Marine Option Program (MOP) class and piqued the interest of Hannah Chang, a recent graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, who is working on her second bachelor’s degree in marine biology. Chang created the logo for the new campaign.
“When I learned about the impacts that pulse coral is having in Hawaiʻi, I wanted to find a way to help,” Chang said, whose experience includes scientific illustrations and whimsical character designs. “Working on this project helped me gain some real-world experience and I am happy with the responses to the new logo.”
Chang’s logo was officially introduced and launched at a media event on October 28 at the Waikīkī Aquarium. She hopes to continue to use her background in art and marine biology as a science communicator to raise awareness about marine biodiversity.
“Awareness campaigns are critically important, and Hannah’s contributions to this effort are deeply appreciated,” Martin said.
UH MOP Director Cindy Hunter added, “This is a great example of how the Marine Option Program provides opportunities for any UH student with ocean interests to engage in real-world experiences as they progress toward their career goals.”