Students from four University of Hawaiʻi campuses were recognized at the 2024 National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona, in November. NDiSTEM is the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country.
The conference celebrated graduate and undergraduate students from historically underrepresented communities for their exemplary research and presentation skills across a range of scientific disciplines. The students who were recognized as “outstanding” came from UH Mānoa, UH Hilo, and Kapiʻolani and Leeward community colleges.
Outstanding oral presentation
- Marine Sciences & Ecology/Evolutionary Biology—Josephine Tupu, UH Hilo
“Utilizing bioacoustics to understand native bird abundance across the elevational gradient of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge”
Outstanding undergraduate poster presentations

- Engineering—Cienna Paet-Gulstrom, Kapiʻolani CC
“Automating Resilience: AI-Driven Geospatial Analysis of Lalo Atolls in the Face of Climate Change” - Life Sciences, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology—Jairo Andres Jojoa Ortega, Kapiʻolani CC
“Protection of Hawaiian Urban Native Birds from Invasive Species” - Life Sciences, Microbiology—Eiren Tamayo, Leeward CC
“Isolation & Characterization of a Pectobacterium Isolate from a Radish (Raphanus sativus) Root in Hawaiʻi” - Mathematics—Moani Pomare, Kapiʻolani CC
“Kakau and Mathematics: A Multicultural Perspective on Traditional Hawaiian Tattoos” - Traditional Knowledge—Talofa Feʻa, UH Mānoa
“Ia Uluulu Matafolau: Exploring the Risk of Ciguatera in American Samoa”
“Receiving this award is an incredible honor and a reminder of the importance of representing my Hawaiian heritage in STEM,” said Paet, an engineering student at Kapiʻolani CC. “Personally, it validates the hard work I’ve put into merging my love for the ocean with technology. Professionally, it inspires me to continue developing innovative tools that address environmental challenges. This recognition also strengthens my commitment to mentoring others and fostering more diverse voices in engineering and sustainability.”
Future STEM leaders

The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) organizes the NDiSTEM.
SACNAS President-elect Healani Chang, an associate specialist with the UH Mānoa Pacific Biosciences Research Center, said she was proud of Hawaiʻi’s representation at the 2024 NDiSTEM.
“Congratulations to all who presented posters or oral platform sessions, and to our scholars across the UH System who were further recognized with an award for their outstanding presentation in their respective disciplines!” Chang said. “This distinction reflects the students’ communication skills, dedication and efforts at the lab bench, as well as the lab support and mentoring received.”