Honolulu CC provides free summer classes, tutoring for Farrington HS students
$50K from Castle Foundation to fight learning loss.
$50K from Castle Foundation to fight learning loss.
Other highlights include P–20 early childhood education success, Next Steps to Your Future and Overwatch League at UH.
$900 scholarships for former Early College students to take a summer course.
Waipahu High School student Reyan E. Lee named a collegiate Coca-Cola Gold Scholar.
Students’ digital media projects aim to keep loved ones safe.
Four Hawaiian immersion students graduated with their associate in arts degrees on May 10, 2019, at Windward Community College and will also graduate from Ke Kula ʻo Samuel M. Kamakau on May 25.
The University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges will be offering a new scholarship for 2019 public high school graduates who earned UH credits while in high school.
Leanne Villanueva earned an associate of arts degree from Leeward Community College through the Early College program and is now studying business administration at UH West Oʻahu.
The federal GEAR UP program provides seven-year, matching grants to states and partnerships for services that improve access to and success in higher education at high-poverty middle and high schools statewide.
University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner shared a message on Early College efforts at UH.