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University Clerical Workers’ Career Experiences and Aspirations, 2015

Background Information

The University of Hawaiʻi Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held a strategic planning meeting on October 21, 2013 at Kapiʻolani Community College. The primary purpose of this meeting was to prioritize the participants’ feedback obtained from the focus group sessions at the CSW conference, Healthy Living – Mind, Body and Career, held on September 27, 2013, at the UH Mānoa Campus Center.

Priority areas identified by the Commissioners:

  1. professional development/career advancement
  2. providing information and awareness for elder care and
  3. platform for small groups and networking.

Survey Results

Based on the comments that were received from the 2013 CSW conference, the Professional Development/Career Advancement Committee agreed to focus on UH clerical workers. This population indicated that the opportunities for professional development and career advancement were limited. The committee members decided to explore this further and created an on-line survey.

2015 Clerical Survey Summary (PDF)

Child Care Needs Assessment, 2013

Background Information

In Spring 2009, the commission conducted an online survey to assess the child care needs of students, faculty and staff throughout the University of Hawaiʻi 10-campus system. Strong responses from women of childbearing age at all campuses confirm that child care access is an issue that impacts women’s lives tremendously—as students and employees.

Findings and recommendations for each of the 10 UH campuses, as well as UH as an institution, were shared with the UH Council of Chancellors in July 2013.

More detailed and comprehensive data was compiled than could be shared in the reports. Questions may be addressed to Teresa Bill of the UH Mānoa Women’s Center at or (808) 956-9313.

Survey Results

Individual campus reports open with an executive summary including recommendations applicable to all UH campuses. Campus-specific “important findings” and recommendations follow those offered in common to all campuses throughout the UH System.

Sexual/Relationship Violence Survey, 2010

Background Information

During the 2010 academic year, the commission, in conjunction with then University of Hawaiʻi President M.R.C Greenwood, conducted a survey to determine levels of sexual and relationship violence experienced in the lives of UH students throughout the 10-campus system.

The commission issued findings for all 10 UH campuses based on a survey implemented at the UH Mānoa campus in fall 2003 by the Program Against Violence to Women.

The survey results were collected from students in random lecture courses that had large attendances relative to the campus population. Instructors allowed class time for the survey to be given.

Faculty Pay Equity Study, 2008

Background Information

In April 2006, the University of Hawaiʻi President’s Office and the University of Hawaiʻi Professional Assembly jointly funded a system-wide Pay Equity Study of faculty salaries in regards to gender and ethnicity. The guiding principle of the study is a commitment to affirmative action and to preventing and correcting sex and ethnic disparities in compensation.

Survey Results

This study examines whether there are disparities in faculty pay associated with a faculty member’s sex or ethnicity, after controlling for job related factors such as campus, college, rank, tenure status, degree, classification and date of hire. “Productivity” and job-market forces must be analyzed and considered after this initial statistical analysis identifies groups who should be further reviewed.

Faculty Pay Equity Study (PDF).

Last modified: September 20, 2024
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