UH System Policies and Procedures
Board of Regents Policies
- + 1. General Provisions
- + 2. Administration
- + 3. Organization
- + 4. Planning
- + 5. Academic Affairs
- + 6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
- + 7. Student Affairs
- + 8. Business and Finance
- + 9. Personnel
- + 10. Land and Physical Facilities
- + 11. Miscellaneous
- + 12. Research
- Abolished Policies (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived RP
- Executive Policies
- Administrative Procedures
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Board of Regents Policy 6.209 Board of Regents Policy 6.209Title
Undocumented Students
Regents Policy Chapter 6, Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
Regents Policy RP 6.209, Undocumented Students Effective Date: Feb. 21, 2013 Prior Dates Amended: Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified) Review Date: August 2018 I. Purpose
To set forth policy regarding undocumented students.
II. Definitions
“Undocumented students” are students who are not US citizens, legal permanent residents, or non-immigrant aliens; and do not possess legal documentation of their status.
III. Board of Regents Policy
A. Undocumented students are students who are not US citizens, legal permanent residents, or non-immigrant aliens; and do not possess legal documentation of their status.
B. Undocumented students who meet all of the following conditions shall be considered residents of Hawai‘i for purposes of tuition, financial assistance, and university program participation to the full extent permitted under federal law and not specifically prohibited in Hawai‘i Administrative Rules: 1. Establish residency by domiciling (conduct an overt action that demonstrates intent to make Hawai‘i the place of permanent residency) and being physically present in Hawai‘i for 12 months, as per HAR 20-4; 2. Attended a public or private high school in the United States for at least three years, and graduated from a public or private high school or attained the equivalent thereof in the United States; and 3. Filed for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); or has filed an application for legal immigration status; or has filed an affidavit with the university affirming the student’s intent to file such application as soon as the student is able. IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no policy specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 956-7075, risad@hawaii.edu
VI. References
A. http://www.hawaii.edu/offices/bor/
B. https://www.hawaii.edu/offices/bor/adminrules/chapter04.pdf VII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved approved as to Form: Cynthia Quinn October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |