UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
Administrative Procedures
1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Organization
4. Planning
5. Academic Affairs
6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
7. Student Affairs
8. Business and Finance
9. Personnel
10. Land and Physical Facilities
11. Miscellaneous
12. Research
- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Administrative Procedure 2.201 Administrative Procedure 2.201Title
New or Amended Policies and Procedures
Administrative Procedure Chapter 2, Administration
Administrative Procedure AP 2.201, New or Amended Policies and Procedures Effective Date: August 2014 Prior Dates Amended: None Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Administration Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: RP 2.202, Duties of the President; EP 2.201, Systemwide Policies and Procedures Review Date: August 2017 I. Purpose
To describe the process, roles, and responsibilities associated with the preparation of new or amended Board of Regents Policies, Executive Policies and Administrative Procedures.
II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Administrative Procedure
A. Approving Authorities
1. As prescribed by EP 2.201, Systemwide Policies and Procedures: a. President has the authority to approve Executive Policies applicable federal and state laws, University of Hawai‘i Administrative Rules, Board of Regents Policies and, as appropriate, other applicable administrative requirements. b. Vice Presidents in their respective functional areas of responsibility have the authority to approve Administrative Procedures and other operating/ administrative guidelines within their respective functional areas of responsibility. Such procedures shall conform to applicable federal and state laws, University policies and other applicable administrative requirements. c. Chancellors have authority to approve their respective campus policies and procedures which shall conform to applicable federal and state laws, University policies and procedures, and other applicable administrative requirements. B. Roles and Responsibilities in the Development of New or Amended Policies and Procedures 1. The Vice President for Administration shall be responsible for ensuring: a. Consultation with the University of Hawai‘i Policy Steering Committee, whose membership is defined in EP 2.201, Systemwide Policies and Procedures, when conceptualizing and/or formulating recommendations regarding proposed new or amended Board of Regents and Executive Policies to ensure that executives are aware of proposed new or amended policy concepts and/or drafts under consideration or in development. b. Consultations with the University of Hawai‘i Policy Advisory Committee, whose membership is defined in EP 2.201, Systemwide Policies and Procedures, regarding proposed and draft new or amended executive policies and administrative procedures to ensure that program managers are aware of policy and procedure concepts and/or have the opportunity to provide input/feedback on drafts that are under consideration and/or under development. c. Proposed new or amended policies and procedures: (1) Conform with format prescribed by the respective templates and number conventions for Board of Regents Policies, Executive Policies and Administrative Procedures, set forth in EP 2.201, Systemwide Policies and Procedures. (2) Incorporate in Vice Presidents’ annual briefings of members of the Board of Regents and University Executives on all new or amended Board of Regents and Executive Policies. 2. Vice Presidents with Functional Responsibilities: a. Within their respective functional areas of responsibilities, a Vice President may recommend proposed Executive Policies to the President and may promulgate systemwide administrative procedures and other implementations, instructions and guidelines consistent with the Vice President’s functional scope of responsibility. Vice Presidents shall: (1) Be responsible for maintaining the systemwide policies and procedures system, including conducting ad hoc and scheduled 3-year cycle reviews of all policies and procedures in their respective areas of responsibility, interpreting and providing guidance on established policies and procedures, abolishing obsolete policies and procedures as appropriate, and providing at a minimum annual training on new or amended policies and procedures to executives, managers and staff. (2) Consider requests and recommendations for new or revised policies and procedures from units and, as appropriate, may collaborate and/or lead in the drafting and submission of proposed new or amended policies and procedures, as appropriate, to the Board of Regents or President. (3) When adopting new or amended policies: (a) Collaborate with the Vice President for Administration to ensure that the Policy Steering and Advisory Committees is consulted in regards to new or amended policies and procedures at the conceptual and final review phases in the policy and procedure development process. (b) Ensure that draft policy and procedure amendments or revisions use the drafting convention of either Ramseyer’s format, that is, deletions to be bracketed and language strike-out [sample] and new language underlined; or the Microsoft Track Changes mode in which all changes highlighted in color with deletions are lined-out by strike out and new language underlined. (c) Promote and, as appropriate, initiate actions to ensure compliance with adopted policies and procedures for which they are responsible by providing clarifying instructions and interpretation, conducting training on an ad hoc and scheduled basis, post-auditing on a sample basis of actions to ensure conformity with adopted policies and procedures, and other means that the Vice President may determine as being appropriate. (4) Following presentation of final drafts of any new policy or procedure to Policy Steering and Advisory Committees and prior to approving or seeking approval, as appropriate, collaborate with the Vice President for Administration to ensure that consultations are completed with the exclusive collective bargaining representative as it relates to matters affecting employee relations, including those policies and procedures that are, or may be, the subject of a rule adopted by the employer or any director in accordance with Chapter 89-9(c) and internal constituencies (All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs, Student Caucus, and others, as appropriate). C. Development and Submission Processes for New or Amended Policies and Procedures 1. Consistent with a Vice President’s functional scope, a Vice President may propose, based on recommendations received, and/or may self-initiate the development of proposals/recommendations for submission to the appropriate approving authority, new or amended Board of Regents Policies and Executive Policies. 2. Other system offices and campuses may recommend or submit proposed draft policies and procedures and amendments for consideration to the Vice President with responsibility for the function. 3. At the conceptual stage, a Vice President considering or preparing a new or amended Board of Regents Policy, Executive Policy or Administrative Procedure shall collaborate with the Vice President for Administration to consult with the University of Hawai‘i Policy Steering and Advisory Committees. 4. When the Vice President with responsibility for the function determines that a new or amended policy is needed, the Vice President shall: a. Oversee, collaborate and coordinate the development of new or amended Board of Regent Policies and Executive Policies while ensuring that such policies are compliant with applicable Board and Executive Policies, e.g., formatting and number convention, other applicable administrative requirements and are in concert with other established administrative procedures, and b. Ensure that prior to the submission of new or amended Board of Regents Policies and Executive Policies for approval final draft documents are submitted to the University of Hawai‘i Policy Steering and Advisory Committees for review and consultative purposes. 5. Upon approval of an Executive Policy a PDF copy of the policy shall be emailed for information purposes to the Vice President for Administration. 6. Administrative Procedures: Following completion of internal and external consultation requirements, the Vice President with responsibility for the function addressed by an Administrative Procedure shall post a PDF copy of the Procedure with information copy to the Vice President for Administration. In conjunction with the submission of the approved Administrative Procedure, the authoring Vice President or designee shall widely communicate to potential users of the adoption of the new procedure and, as appropriate, offer implementation and interpretation guidance and potential responses to frequently asked questions and as requested or as deemed appropriate will offer training to all executive and managers. 7. Notices of abolishment of policies and procedures are to be submitted to the Vice President for Administration for distribution and adjustment to the systemwide policies and procedures webpage. 8. In conjunction with the posting of new or amended policies and procedures or abolishment of policies and procedures, the Vice President for Administration shall email notice of the change action to all executive and managerial personnel informing them of the change and will ensure that the policies and procedures webpage is updated. IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no administrative specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact InformationVI. References
Link to superseded procedures:
VII. Exhibits and Appendices
Templates for Board of Regents Policies; Executive Policies and Administrative Procedures.
Approved Signed Jan Gouveia October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.Attachments+ Non-Fillable Attachment(s)