UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
Administrative Procedures
1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Organization
4. Planning
5. Academic Affairs
6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
7. Student Affairs
8. Business and Finance
9. Personnel
10. Land and Physical Facilities
11. Miscellaneous
12. Research
- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Administrative Procedure 2.202 Administrative Procedure 2.202Title
Background Check Process for University Community Members and Non-UH Volunteers
Administrative Procedure Chapter 2, Administration
Administrative Procedure AP 2.202, Background Check Process for University Community Members and Non-UH Volunteers Effective Date: January 2023 Prior Dates Amended: None Responsible Office: Office of Vice President for Academic Strategy and Office of Vice President for Administration Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: RP 5.212 – Early Admission Policies, RP 10.206 – Child Care Programs, RP 11.205 – Public Health, Safety and Security, EP 2.202 – Safety and Protection of Minors Review Date: January 2025 I. Purpose
The purpose of this Administrative Procedure is to provide the process for background checks for individuals associated with the University of Hawaiʻi who interact with minors in a University of Hawaiʻi program. This Administrative Procedure is a companion process to Executive Policy 2.202, Safety and Protection of Minors (the “Policy” or the “Safety and Protection of Minors Policy”) and should be read with that Policy.
II. Definitions
The definitions of the following terms have the meanings assigned to such terms in the EP 2.202 Safety and Protection of Minors Policy:
Background Check Coordinator Covered Person Covered Program Covered Program Minor Responsible Campus Official Covered Program Administrator Mandated Reporter University Community Member University-affiliated Organizations Non-UH Volunteer III. Administrative Procedure
IV. Delegation of Authority
The authority to oversee the Covered Programs’ compliance with the requirements and responsibilities set forth in this policy is delegated to the Provost/Chancellors of UH four-year campuses and the Vice President for Community Colleges who will appoint an executive University employee as the Responsible Campus Official for each respective campus.
V. Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Academic Strategy and Office of the Vice President for Administration
VI. References
Executive Policy EP 2.202 Safety and Protection of Minors
Administrative Procedure AP 9.110, Employment-Related Grievance Procedure for Persons (Including Applicants for Positions) Not Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement Grievance Procedures or Other Applicable Procedures Executive Policy EP 2.214, Institutional Data Classification Categories and Information Security Guidelines Executive Policy EP 2.215, Institutional Data Governance Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §§ 78-2.7, 378-2.5(d), 846-2.7; Hawai‘i Administrative Rules Section 8-7-2 Website https://www.hawaii.edu/minors-on-campus VII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved Signed David Lassner August 22, 2022 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |