UH System Policies and Procedures
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Administrative Procedures
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- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Administrative Procedure 8.636 Administrative Procedure 8.636Title
Supply Inventory
Administrative Procedure Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Administrative Procedure AP 8.636, Supply Inventory Effective Date: April 2016 Prior Dates Amended: January 2002 Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: EP 1.102, Authority to Manage and Control the Operations of the Campus Review Date: April 2019 I. Purpose
This instruction explains what inventorial supplies are, what they are used for, and the process for reporting supply inventory assets at fiscal year-end.
II. Definitions
Inventorial Supplies – Un-issued materials or un-sold merchandise from units such as central stores, department storeroom/stockrooms, production facilities, health centers, food service units, printing/press operations, etc. which are charged to other departments, external agencies or customers as part of departmental operations.
III. Administrative Procedure
A. Inventorial merchandise and supplies shall be subject to an annual inventory and valuation.
B. Values are to be based on cost utilizing generally accepted accounting principles, e.g. First-In First-Out or weighted average. If cost cannot be readily determined, any other method consistently applied which reflects renewable valuation should be used. C. Annually the Fiscal Administrator shall submit a year-end journal entry to record the value of the inventory at June 30. Refer to AP 8.671 Year-End Accounting Data. D. Programs should maintain internal records for control of non-inventorial supplies. These records will not be required for financial reporting. IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no administrative specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact Information
General Accounting and Loan Collection, 956-8278, or uhgalc@hawaii.edu
Website: http://www.fmo.hawaii.edu/general accounting/index.html VI. References
A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/
B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php VII. Exhibits and Appendices
Approved Signed Kalbert Young April 21, 2016 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |