UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
Administrative Procedures
- + 1. General Provisions
- + 2. Administration
- + 3. Organization
- + 4. Planning
- + 5. Academic Affairs
- + 6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
- + 7. Student Affairs
- + 8. Business and Finance
- + 9. Personnel
- + 10. Land and Physical Facilities
- + 11. Miscellaneous
- + 12. Research
- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Administrative Procedure 9.025 Administrative Procedure 9.025Title
Access to Personal Records
Administrative Procedure Chapter 9, Human Resources
Administrative Procedure AP 9.025, Access to Personal Records Effective Date: March 2024 Prior Dates Amended: October 1988 Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Administration Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: Executive Policy Chapter 9, EP 9.175, Executive Policy Chapter 2, EP 2.216 Review Date: March 2027 I. Purpose
To provide procedures in accordance with Chapter 92F, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, that provide an individual access to personal records maintained by the University and provide an individual the opportunity to request correction of a record when there is evidence of a factual error, misrepresentation, or misleading entry.
II. Definitions
Personal record: Any item, collection, or grouping of information about an employee that is maintained by the University of Hawai‘i.
III. Administrative Procedure
IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no administrative specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Administration.
VI. References
EP9.175, Personnel Records Management.
EP2.216, Intuitional Records Management VII. Exhibits and AppendicesApproved Signed August 05, 2024 TopicsNo Topics found.Attachments |