UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
Executive Policies
- + 1. General Provisions
- + 2. Administration
- + 3. Organization
- + 4. Planning
- + 5. Academic Affairs
- + 6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
- + 7. Student Affairs
- + 8. Business and Finance
- + 9. Personnel
- + 10. Land and Physical Facilities
- + 11. Miscellaneous
- + 12. Research
- Abolished Policies (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived EP
- Administrative Procedures
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Executive Policy 10.401 Executive Policy 10.401Title
Child Care Programs and the Use of Such Facilities
Executive Policy Chapter 10, Land and Physical Facilities
Executive Policy EP 10.401, Child Care Programs and the Use of Such Facilities Effective Date: October 2014 Prior Dates Amended: July 2011 (est) Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Governing Board of Regents Policy RP 10.206, Child Care Programs Review Date: August 2019 I. Purpose
A. To provide policies and guidelines to govern child care programs offered by the University;
B. To embody former BOR Policy governing child care programs and the use of such facilities; C. To maintain the policy based administrative infrastructure originally created by Board policy relating to child care programs; and D. To transition the administrative infrastructure from Board policy to Executive policy as promulgated by the President. II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Executive Policy
A. The President is delegated the authority to promulgate practices and procedures governing child care programs and the use of such facilities.
B. Child care programs may be established at the various campuses of the University of Hawai'i provided a need for such facilities is demonstrated. C. University facilities may be used for child care programs provided they do not displace teaching and research activities. D. Guidelines for operating such programs initially approved by the Board (04-24-1987, 03-20-1986, 01-16-1975) shall be developed and approved by the President as part of this Executive Policy and described in Attachment I at end of this policy. IV. Delegation of Authority
A. Authority to execute intent and provisions of Board Policy embodied in RP 10.206, Child Care Programs is delegated to the President
B. Authority to oversee and manage the childcare programs and use of University facilities for such purposes is delegated to Chancellors, who may further delegate authority to campus senior student affairs officer. V. Contact Information
Subject Matter Experts
Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Telephone: (808) 956-8753 Email: avpsa@hawaii.edu VI. References
A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/
B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php VII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved Signed David Lassner October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.Attachments |