UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
Executive Policies
- + 1. General Provisions
- + 2. Administration
- + 3. Organization
- + 4. Planning
- + 5. Academic Affairs
- + 6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
- + 7. Student Affairs
- + 8. Business and Finance
- + 9. Personnel
- + 10. Land and Physical Facilities
- + 11. Miscellaneous
- + 12. Research
- Abolished Policies (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived EP
- Administrative Procedures
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Executive Policy 7.101 Executive Policy 7.101Title
Delegation of Authority
Executive Policy Chapter 7, Student Affairs
Executive Policy EP 7.101, Delegation of Authority Effective Date: October 2014 Prior Dates Amended: December 23, 2013, August 1, 2008; March 1987, and July 15, 1980 (est) Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Governing Board of Regents Policy: RP 7.202, Chartered Student Organizations, RP 7.203, Registered Independent Organizations, and RP 6.203, Fees Review Date: August 2018 I. Purpose
To delegate authority to:
A. Approve charters, constitutions and bylaws or other campus administrative policies applicable to chartered student organizations and registered independent organizations; and B. Approve expenditures and revenues and budgets of chartered student organizations. II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Executive Policy
A. The Chancellors or campus senior student affairs officers, shall exercise this authority consistent with the principles outlined in Board of Regents Policies RP 7.202, Chartered Student Organizations, RP 7.203, Registered Independent Organizations and RP 6.203, Fees. The Chancellors or campus senior student affairs officers shall provide an annual report to the President through the Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs within 30 days of the ending of each academic year, a summary of the exercise of this authority, including a list of all organizational charters, constitutions, and bylaws or other policies so approved.
B. Additionally, in conformance with Board of Regents Policy RP 6.203, Fees, the Chancellors or campus senior student affairs officers shall include in the annual report, in a prescribed format, the expenditures, budgets, and general financial condition of those chartered student organizations supported by compulsory student activity fees. C. Budgets approved through delegated authority shall include baseline amounts for those mandatory student organization fees approved by the Board of Regents that contain a range or maximum cap, provided that amounts are within the range or below or equal to the maximum cap as previously approved by the Board. D. Each executive exercising this delegation must see to the development of policies and procedures designed to regularize student participation in and advice on those matters relating to student life including: co-curricular activities, student-faculty-administration relations, and student rights and conduct. See also Delegation of Authority section. IV. Delegation of Authority
Authority delegated to Chancellors, who may further delegate authority to campus senior student affairs officers.
V. Contact Information
Subject Matter Experts
Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Telephone: (808) 956-8753 Email: avpsa@hawaii.edu VI. References
A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/
B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php VII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved Signed David Lassner October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |