UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
Executive Policies
- + 1. General Provisions
- + 2. Administration
- + 3. Organization
- + 4. Planning
- + 5. Academic Affairs
- + 6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
- + 7. Student Affairs
- + 8. Business and Finance
- + 9. Personnel
- + 10. Land and Physical Facilities
- + 11. Miscellaneous
- + 12. Research
- Abolished Policies (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived EP
- Administrative Procedures
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Executive Policy 7.202 Executive Policy 7.202Title
Clinical Health and Mental Health Services
Executive Policy Chapter 7, Student Affairs
Executive Policy EP 7.202, Clinical Health and Mental Health Services Effective Date: February 2015 Prior Dates Amended: October 2014 (reformatted), March1987, October1981 Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Governing Board of Regents Policy RP 7.207, Clinical and Mental Health Services, and International Student Health Review Date: August 2018 I. Purpose
To establish and promulgate guidelines and provisions for campuses to implement clinical health and mental health services in accordance with University policies. This policy shall:
A. recognize the importance of clinical health and mental health services as an integral part of the University's effort to provide for the safety, health, and well-being of its students; B. clarify responsibilities for the provision of clinical health and mental health services; C. provide a basis for the periodic review of clinical health and mental health services wherein each campus may assess its need for services, determine the appropriate level of service care to be maintained, and plan and budget for such services; and D. identify the sources of funding most appropriate for the maintenance of clinical health and mental health services. II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Executive Policy
A. Applicability & Declaration
This policy shall apply to all campuses of the University of Hawaii and shall serve as a declaration of the University’s commitment to fostering students’ health and well-being through prevention promotion programs and restorative services. B. Each campus of the University shall provide at least Level 1 care of clinical health and mental health services outlined in Appendix A of this policy and shall offer a higher level of service when appropriate and feasible in accordance with guidelines found in this policy. Adequate on-campus facilities shall be made available to carry out Level 1 services. C. Depending upon its assessed needs, each campus shall determine the scope and level of clinical health and mental health services appropriate for its student population. The level of needs of the students at each campus is related to a variety of factors as outlined below. These factors shall be weighed and considered by each campus in determining its appropriate level of care of clinical health and mental health services to be maintained. 1. The demographics of the campus student population. 2. The number of students residing on or near campus, and their demographics. 3. The existence of academic programs or other activities which by their nature are potentially hazardous. 4. A determination of health needs of enrolled students, taking into account their financial resources, living patterns, and their individual awareness of and regard for personal health and developmental issues. 5. The availability of medical and mental health resources in the surrounding community. 6. The degree to which students are willing to support various health services through, among other ways, payment of a health service fee or the purchase of health insurance. 7. The financial resources of the campus including the priority placed upon the funding of existing and/or new programs and the campus commitment to the provision of clinical health and mental health services. 8. Requirements set by accreditation bodies. D. Each campus shall budget sufficient funds in order to carry out the level of service care to be maintained. E. The clinical health and mental health services program of each campus shall be administered by the campus. The director of clinical health services and of mental health services at the various campuses, may serve as consultants to the University Administration in (1) establishing University clinical health and mental health standards and appropriate implementation procedures, (b) determination of an appropriate student health insurance plan, and (3) assisting in the facilitation of clinical health and mental health education programs. F. Should a campus choose to offer clinical health and mental health services greater than those at Level 1, it shall ensure that the University employed service providers for such services are adequately covered through insurance and liability coverage. G. Full-time and part-time students enrolled in regular credit programs offered by a campus shall be eligible to receive clinical health and mental health services offered by their home campus during the academic term in which they are registered. H. The University shall make available to students enrolled in regular credit programs, a voluntary student health insurance plan(s) through a private carrier. In accordance with existing Regents Policy, Section 7.207IIIC, all non-immigrants on student visas must demonstrate proof of enrollment in a health insurance plan. I. As provided for in Regents Policy, RP 6.203III 2, the Board shall set and approve mandatory student health fees to meet campus needs for clinical and mental health services. J. The University President delegates to the Chancellors, responsibility and authority to evaluate the most appropriate level of clinical health and mental health services to be maintained on their campuses, with such evaluation to be undertaken at least once every six years. K. Each campus shall include within its financial plans, sufficient funds to accomplish the level of service care it intends to provide. Where operating budgets are insufficient to carry out the intended level of service, the campus may request Board approval for the charging of a student health fee as provided in Regents Policy, 6.203 III 2. Such requests shall be clearly justifiable and shall address identified costs associated with clinical health and mental health services. L. Each campus shall establish appropriate procedures that may be required in order to conform with clinical health and mental health policies, laws and regulations issued by the Board of Regents or by other State agencies. Each campus may also determine the degree to which a physical examination shall be a prerequisite to initial registration. A student who fails to meet campus health requirements shall not be permitted to register nor reside in campus residence halls. M. The senior student affairs officer for the University System, shall develop, implement, and evaluate, in consultation with the Chancellors or their designees, a procedure for ensuring University-wide availability of a student health insurance plan(s) in accordance with University policies. IV. Delegation of Authority
Responsibility for implementation of this policy shall rest with the chancellor of each campus and is further delegated to the campus senior student affairs officer.
V. Contact Information
Subject Matter Experts
Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Telephone: (808) 956-8753 Email: avpsa@hawaii.edu VI. References
No References found
VII. Exhibits and Appendices
Appendix A
Approved Signed David Lassner February 26, 2015 Date TopicsNo Topics found.Attachments |