Executive Policy 8.105 Executive Policy 8.105


Delegation of Authority to Execute Contracts for Goods, Services, and Construction; Granting Concessions and Cooperative Agreements


Executive Policy Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Executive Policy EP 8.105, Delegation of Authority to Execute Contracts for Goods, Services, and Construction; Granting Concessions and Cooperative Agreements
Effective Date:  October 2014
Dates Amended:  September 2009; July 1999
Responsible Office:  Office of the Vice President for Administration
Governing Board of Regents Policy:  RP 8.201, Contracts and Official Documents Review Date:  August 2018

I. Purpose

To establish the delegation of authority to carry out the responsibilities relating to the procurement of goods, services, and construction for the University of Hawai‘i and the granting of concessions on University real property, consistent with applicable law and Board of Regents policies, and to execute contractual documents and cooperative agreements relating to such actions.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Executive Policy

See delegation of authority.

IV. Delegation of Authority

Vice President for Administration and his/her designees are delegated authority to carry out the responsibilities relating to the procurement of goods, services, and construction for the University of Hawaii, consistent with applicable law and Board of Regents policies, and to execute contractual documents relating to such procurement actions.

Authority to execute contractual documents granting concessions on University real property and for entering into cooperative agreements with other persons, agencies and organizations, consistent with applicable law and Board of Regents policies is also hereby delegated to the Vice President for Administration and his/her designees.

V. Contact Information

Subject Matter Experts
 Duff Zwald
Office of the Vice President for Administration
Telephone: (808) 956-6405
Email:  vpadmin@hawaii.edu

VI. References

    A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/

    B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    David Lassner    
    October 31, 2014    


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