Board of Regents Policy 9.209 Board of Regents Policy 9.209


University Housing Assistance Program


Regents Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
Regents Policy RP 9.209, University Housing Assistance Program
Effective Date:  Nov. 22, 2002
Prior Dates Amended:  July 16, 1993; Apr. 21, 1995; July 21, 1995; Apr. 26, 1996; Feb. 21, 1997; Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified)
Review Date:  August 2019

I. Purpose

To set forth policy regarding the University Housing Assistance Program.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Board of Regents Policy

A. Responsibilities

    1. The Board of Regents shall ensure the purpose of the university’s housing assistance program is established and maintained.

    2. The Board of Regents delegates to the president the responsibility to promulgate an executive policy to implement the components of the university housing assistance program.

B. Guidelines for the University Housing Assistance Program

    1. General provisions

        a. Purpose

            (1) The purpose of the University Housing Assistance Program (“Program”) is to support the university’s competitive strategy in personnel recruitment by providing housing assistance, including primarily transitional housing, through the program. The program is not intended to and does not have sufficient resources to assist all personnel. Resources shall be allocated based on institutional need to attain excellence in university programs.

        b. Funding

            (1) Funding for the program shall be principally derived from authorized university housing assistance accounts under the University of Hawai‘i Auxiliary Enterprises Special Fund (HRS 304A-2157) and the University Revenue-Undertakings Fund (HRS 304a-2167.5) (“Funds”). The funds shall be used to finance the program and ensure the self-sustaining operations of the office and program.

        c. Administration

            (1) Executive policy

                (a) The president shall establish guidelines to implement all components of the program through executive policy. Any rules, procedures, requirements, terms, conditions, priorities, or standards as may be necessary or desirable to implement the program shall be established in accordance with this policy.

            (2) Administering office

                (a) The program shall be administered by the Manoa University Housing Office (“Office”). The office shall provide support, information, and consultation to academic units and prospective tenants, purchasers, and participants.

            (3) Report

                (a) Upon request, the office shall prepare and submit a report to the Board of Regents that includes information on the source and use of funds, and relevant summary and categorical information and statistics.

        d. General powers

            (1) Documents

                (a) In accordance with applicable Board of Regents Bylaws and Policies, the university may prepare, or cause to be prepared, ground leases, sales contracts, purchase or sales agreements, loan agreements, mortgages, notes, financing statements, equity participation agreements, covenants restricting occupancy or resale, rental agreements, and other documents necessary or convenient for the exercise of the purpose of this policy.

            (2) Contracts

                (a) In accordance with applicable Board of Regents Bylaws and Policies, the university may enter into contracts with any qualified person, partnership or corporation to manage, sell, or acquire housing units, or to provide any services the office is required to conduct for the purposes of the program.

            (3) Sale and purchase of housing units, and loans

                (a) In accordance with the Board of Regents Bylaws and Policies involving the acquisition or conveyance of land and interests in land, the university may convey and acquire for-sale housing units it developed or financed and may make Financial Assistance loans. Any loan and attendant equity participation agreement made through this power shall not be deemed an investment subject to the Board of Regents’ Bylaws and Policies. At the discretion of the president, unsold for-sale housing units may be rented, subject to the administrative rules and this board policy governing university-owned rental housing units.

C. Eligibility

    1. A full-time board appointee is eligible to participate in the program (“Eligible Person”). Eligible persons may not own an interest in residential real estate within the state of Hawai‘i. Individual program components may have further eligibility requirements. Also refer to Administrative Rules, Title 20, University of Hawai‘i, Chapter 24.

D. Program Components

    1. Management of university-owned rental properties

        a. Purpose

            (1) The university shall manage and offer rental units to serve as temporary transitional housing for newly recruited university personnel.

        b. Applicability

            (1) The provisions of this section are applicable to the following O‘ahu Rental Projects: the Wa‘ahila Rental Project, the Kau‘iokahaloa Nui Rental Project, and the university-owned rental units of the Kau‘iokahaloa Iki Project.

        c. Eligibility

            (1) Any eligible person who is appointed to an O‘ahu campus; whose workplace is on O‘ahu; and who does not own real property on O‘ahu is eligible to be a tenant in an O‘ahu Rental Project.

        d. Priority

            (1) Assignment of eligible persons to university-owned rental property shall be in accordance with the following priority schedule:

            PRIORITY        RANK        STATUS
                1            3        Tenure Track
                2          2, 4, 5      Tenure Track
                3        2, 3, 4, 5    Tenured
                4            N/A        APT
                5            N/A        All Others

            (2) If there are more prospective tenants than rental units available, vacancies will be assigned first to applicants with initial appointment dates of three years or less; and then by applicants with the lowest salaries, within each respective priority rank.

        e. Lease agreements and renewals

            (1) The standard lease term for priority rankings is one (1), two (2), and three (3) shall be one (1) year, and may be renewed annually for up to a maximum of three (3) years.

            (2) The standard lease term for priority rankings four (4) and five (5) shall be one (1) year and is not renewable.

            (3) The president shall have authority to approve lease extension requests based on the following:

                (a) Priority one (1) or (2) tenants who have not yet achieved tenure by the end of the maximum term of stay of three years may apply for lease extensions beyond the maximum three-year term of stay. The president has authority to approve these lease extension requests on a case by case basis.

                (b) The president shall have authority to approve lease extensions beyond the standard maximum terms of stay in order to maintain occupancy rates at appropriate levels to ensure the program remains self-sustaining.

    2. Financial assistance

        a. Purpose

            (1) The university may provide financial assistance (subject to funding availability) to selected qualified eligible persons who lack sufficient financial resources to purchase a residence in the State of Hawai‘i. Types of financial assistance may include but are not limited to down payment assistance, mortgage payment assistance, and mortgage assistance guarantees.

        b. Eligibility

            (1) Any eligible person who does not own an interest in residential real property within the State of Hawai‘i is eligible to apply for participation in a financial assistance program. Additional eligibility requirements necessary or desirable to implement the financial assistance component shall be established by the president in accordance with the purpose of this policy.

        c. Priority

            (1) The board authorized the president to establish priority requirements for participation in any type of financial assistance program.

        d. Financial qualification

            (1) The university shall establish standards to assure that a prospective participant possesses the financial capability to participate in a financial assistance program.

    3. Housing development

        a. The university may participate in the development, acquisition, and management of both rental housing and for-sale housing for its personnel by directly developing such housing or by entering into contracts with qualified persons, partnerships, or corporations to develop, construct, or otherwise provide such housing. The university shall establish policies related to the above when applicable.

    4. Information, counseling, and referral

        a. The university shall provide housing information, counseling, and referral services to university personnel.

IV. Delegation of Authority

The Board of Regents delegates to the president the responsibility to promulgate an executive policy to implement the components of the university housing assistance program. See RP 9.209(A)(2).

The president shall have authority to approve lease extension requests. See RP 9.209(D)(1)(e)(3).

Additional eligibility requirements necessary or desirable to implement the financial assistance component shall be established by the president in accordance with the purpose of this policy.

The board authorizes the president to establish priority requirements for participation in any type of financial assistance program. See RP 9.209(D)(2)(c)(1).

V. Contact Information

Office of the Vice President for Administration, 956-6405,

VI. References

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    approved as to Form:    
    Cynthia Quinn    
    October 31, 2014    
    Executive Administrator and Secretary of the Board of Regents


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