Executive Policy 9.215 Executive Policy 9.215


Tenure Upon Initial Appointment


Executive Policy Chapter 9, Human Resources
Executive Policy EP 9.215, Tenure Upon Initial Appointment
Effective Date:  December 2024
Prior Dates Amended:  October 2014; January 2008
Responsible Office: Vice President for Administration, Office of Human Resources
Governing Board of Regents Policy RP 9.201, Personnel Status
Review Date:  November 2027

I. Purpose

Tenure upon initial appointment allows mid-career faculty to be granted tenure upon acceptance of a tenure-leading position and qualified executive/managerial personnel to be provided a fall back tenured position in a college/campus. To be granted tenure upon initial appointment, the faculty or executive/manager must have held a tenured position at a campus comparable to the University of Hawai'i campus that is hiring them.

This policy implements Board of Regents Policy, RP 9.201, Personnel Status wherein the Board delegates to the President granting of tenure upon initial appointment to members of the faculty and for delegated appointments of executive/managerial personnel who have previously held tenure at a comparable institution.

The purpose of this executive policy is to establish guidelines in preparing recommendations to the President and the Board to grant tenure upon initial appointment.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Executive Policy

  1. Responsibilities

    It shall be the responsibility of Vice Presidents and Chancellors to ensure that requests to grant tenure upon initial appointment for faculty or executive/managerial personnel are prepared and submitted in a complete and timely manner in accordance with established guidelines. It is the responsibility of the President and Chancellors to ensure the request to grant tenure upon initial appointment for executive/managerial personnel are prepared and submitted in a complete and
    timely manner in accordance with established guidelines.

  2. Guidelines

    1. Faculty Appointment

      1. The granting of tenure upon initial appointment for faculty shall be at discretion of the University (not part of advertisement).

      2. Candidates for the award of tenure upon initial appointment shall currently hold a tenured position at an institution comparable to the University of Hawai'i campus hiring the faculty.

      3. The following documentation shall be attached to the recommendation to hire:

        1. Documentation on institutional letterhead confirming the awarding of tenure to the candidate shall be attached to the recommendation.

        2. The faculty search advisory committee's recommendation that tenure upon initial appointment based on documents received as part of the search process (i.e., letter of interest, CV, references, interview results, etc).

        3. The completion of a review of the documents noted above and recommendation to grant/not grant tenure by the Department Personnel Committee (if available), Department/Division Chair, Dean, VCAA/Dean of Instruction, and Chancellor as appropriate for the campus.

      4. Subject to the approval of the President, tenure upon initial appointment may be included in the offer letter to the candidate.

    2. Executive/Managerial Personnel Eligible for Faculty Appointments

      1. The granting of tenure upon initial appointment for executive/managerial personnel shall be at the discretion of the University (not part of advertisement) and in accordance with EP 9.212, Executive/Managerial Classification and Compensation.

      2. Candidates for the awarding of tenure upon initial appointment shall either currently hold a tenured position or previously held a tenured position at an institution comparable to the University of Hawai'i campus hiring the candidate. This includes executive positions with faculty fallback.

      3. The following documentation shall be attached to the recommendation to hire:

        1. Documentation on institutional letterhead confirming the awarding of tenure to the candidate shall be attached to the recommendation.

        2. The search advisory committee's recommendation that tenure be awarded upon initial appointment based on documents received as part of search process (i.e., letter of interest, CV, references, interview, etc.).

        3. The completion of a review and recommendation to grant/not grant tenure by Department/Division Chair, Dean, VCAA/Dean of Instruction, and Chancellor as appropriate for the campus.

      4. The candidate's letter of interest, CV and references are shared with the appropriate department/related unit on the campus where the fall back position will be provided.

      5. During the campus visit or thereabout, the candidate is interviewed by the department/related unit (e.g., department personnel committee or ad hoc group of faculty).

      6. A statement recommending/not recommending tenure upon initial appointment is provided by the department/related unit at the time of the campus visit to ensure that tenure, if recommended, can be part of the offer letter.

      7. A statement recommending/not recommending tenure upon initial appointment is provided by the department/related unit at the time of the campus visit to ensure that tenure, if recommended, can be part of the offer letter.

      8. It shall be the responsibility of the campus to provide an additional position count and funding to the department/unit if/when the executive/manager returns to a faculty position.

      9. Board approval is required for tenure upon initial appointment for non-delegated executive/managerial personnel.

      10. Subject to the approval of the President, tenure upon initial appointment may be included in the offer letter to the candidate.

IV. Delegation of Authority

By Board of Regents Policies, RP 9.201, Personnel Status the President is delegated authority to establish executive policies regarding tenure upon appointment.

V. Contact Information

Office of Human Resources
Telephone: (808) 956-8458
OHR Website

Office of the Vice President for Administration
Telephone: (808) 956-6405
Email: vpadmin@hawaii.edu

VI. References

A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/

B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    David Lassner    
    December 23, 2024    


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