Executive Policy 9.218 Executive Policy 9.218


Post-Hire Adjustments for Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employees

Executive Policy Chapter 9, Human Resources
Executive Policy & Procedure EP 9.218, Post-Hire Adjustments for Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employees
Effective Date: November 2024
Prior Dates Amended: None
Responsible Office:  Office of Human Resources
Governing Board of Regents Policy RP 9.202 Classification Plans and Compensation Schedules
Review Date:  November 2027


  1. The purpose of this policy is to (1) provide ways for supervisors to recognize and retain APT employees by increasing an employee’s base salary and (2) provide guidance on other post-hire adjustments. The APT classification is unique to the University, in that job duties and responsibilities are broader and more flexible. As a result, APTs are eligible for (1) flexible initial hiring salaries, (2) base salary increases, and (3) annual, one-time performance bonuses.

  2. The Board of Regents has delegated the President the authority to establish and administer a salary plan for APT personnel of the University of Hawai‘i. See RP 9.202, Classification Plans and Compensation Schedules.

  3. Chancellors (UHH and UHWO), Provost and Vice Presidents shall have the authority to band and designate the Career Group for all APT positions within their organization. Community College Chancellors shall have the authority to band and designate the career group for positions in Bands A and B. See EP 9.112, Delegation of Authority for Personnel Actions.


Refer to Definitions.

Salary Adjustments

The APT classification is characterized by four bands, each with a different degree of job duties and responsibilities:  A (trainee/independent worker), B (specialist/working supervisor), C (expert/manager) and D (administrator).  Within each band, there are multiple salary steps.

See Band Concepts, APT Band Guidelines, and APT Salary Schedule for more information about the APT classification and salaries.

  1. Permanent Salary Adjustments (Increase)

  2. Standard Salary AdjustmentReasonPosition Description Update?

    4% Increase

    In-Band Adjustment - Career Development
    (Progressive growth within band)


    8% Increase
    (one band upward)

    Change in Band - Career Advancement
    (Significant changes that meet concept of higher band)


    In-Band adjustment - varies

    (Consideration of balance and fairness of salaries across employees)


    In-Band adjustment - varies

    (Employee has conditional job offer)


    Salary adjustments authorized by this policy shall be on step and not be below the minimum or above the maximum salary in the appropriate band.

    1. In-Band Adjustment – 4% Base Salary Increase (2 Steps)
    2. An In-Band Adjustment recognizes career development based on (1) broader job duties and more difficult work, and (2) increased skills, knowledge and abilities.

      1. Eligibility

        1. Minimum of 6 months of service in current position;

        2. Minimum of 12 months since the last permanent In-Band Adjustment or Change in Band;

        3. Minimum overall performance rating of “meets” during the current or immediately preceding rating period; and

        4. Available funding

      2. Position description update is optional, unless the duties and responsibilities have progressively grown. Work continues to reflect the same band.

      3. Salary adjustment - 4% base salary increase

      4. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority. An earlier effective date may be authorized by the approving authority when deemed equitable

        1. Earlier effective date shall not be earlier than one year prior to the beginning of the pay period immediately following the date of receipt for permanent in-band adjustment.

      5. In-band adjustments are at the discretion of the University and shall not be subject to appeal other than for instances of discrimination or procedural violations.  Procedural violations refer to technical, system issues that could not be avoided.

    3. Change in Band (Upwards)
    4. A position is changed to a different band when the duties and responsibilities of the position have significantly and permanently increased in scope and complexity and now reflect a higher band.

      1. Eligibility
        1. Minimum of 6 months of service in current position;

        2.  Minimum of overall performance rating of “meets” during the current or immediately preceding rating period; and

        3. Available funding.

      2. Position Description Update:

        Must be consistent with the band descriptions below (See Band Guidelines):

        1. A to B - trainee to specialist/working supervisor;

        2. B to C – specialist/working supervisor to manager or expert; or

        3. C to D – manager to administrator

      3. Salary Adjustment

        1. 1 band movement – 8% base salary increase

        2.  2 or more bands movement – 16% base salary increase

        3.  New salary shall be on step and fall between step 1 and the last step of the new band.

        4.  In extraordinary cases, a supervisor may request an exception when the standard adjustment does not adequately compensate the employee’s credentials in performing the new assignments.

      4. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system. An earlier effective date may be authorized by the approving authority when deemed equitable. 

        1. Earlier effective date shall not be earlier than one year prior to the beginning of the pay period immediately following the date of receipt for permanent change in band adjustment

      5. An employee and/or supervisor may request an administrative review of the band action taken on the position by completing the administrative review form

      6. In the event the employee or supervisor is not satisfied with the outcome of the administrative review, an appeal may be filed with the APT Classification Appeals Board.

    5. Equity – In-Band Adjustment
    6. Units shall consult with the respective campus Human Resources Office and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office prior to submitting an equity study request to OHR. OHR shall conduct a salary study of University employees in similar groups/pay bands; with similar titles; and who perform similar scope, complexity, quality and quantity of work. OHR shall make a recommendation to the approving authority and provide the supporting data.

      1. Eligibility: 

        1. Minimum of 12 months of service in current position;

        2. Minimum overall performance rating of “meets” during the current or immediately preceding rating period; and

        3. Available funding.

      2. Salary adjustment shall be to base and the new salary shall be on step and not exceed the last step of the band.

      3.  The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority.

      4.  In-band adjustments due to equity are at the discretion of the University and shall not be subject to appeal other than for instances of discrimination or procedural violations.

    7. Retention - In-Band Adjustment
    8. An APT employee may receive a salary adjustment for retention purposes as a counter-offer to a bona fide job offer from an employer outside of the University (valid offer letter or email), because the University strives to retain skilled, well-performing APT employees.  Due to urgency of these requests, the approving authority shall review and take timely action.

      1. Eligibility 

        1. Receipt of conditional offer letter, email documentation of job offer, or University confirmation of offer;

        2. Counter-offer must be approved by the approving authority;

        3. Counter-offer must be within the pay band and on step;

        4. Minimum overall performance rating of “meets” during the current or immediately preceding rating period; and

        5. Available funding.

      2. In-band adjustments due to retention are at the discretion of the University and shall not be subject to appeal other than for instances of discrimination or procedural violations.

      3. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority.

  3. Permanent Salary Adjustments (Retain Pay or Reduction)
  4. Standard Salary AdjustmentReasonPosition Description Update?

    Retain pay

    Employer Initiated Change in Band – Downward
    (Significant change in scope & complexity of work that reflects concept of lower band)


    Reduction in pay – varies

    Employer-Employee Agreed Upon Changes in Position
    (Significant change in scope & complexity of work that reflects concept of lower band)


    Reduction in pay – varies

     Change in Position as a Disciplinary Measure or Due to Performance (Significant change in scope & complexity of work that reflects concept of lower band)


    1. Employer Initiated Change in Band (Downwards)
    2. As a result of a reorganization and/or a change in operations, a position is redescribed due to the change in scope and complexity of work assignments and now reflects a lower band.

      1. Position Description Update

        Must be consistent with the band descriptions (See band guidelines)

      2. Salary Adjustment

        1. The employee shall retain his/her basic rate of pay and be placed in the lower band at the appropriate step.

        2. If the employee’s basic rate of pay falls above the maximum step of the lower band, the basic rate of pay shall be at the maximum step and the employee shall receive a temporary differential stipend equal to the difference between the basic rate of pay prior to the action taken and the new basic rate of pay.

        3. In the event the employee or supervisor is not satisfied with the outcome of the administrative review, an appeal may be filed with the APT Classification Appeals Board.

      3. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system.

      4.  An employee may request an administrative review of the band action taken on the position by completing the administrative review form

      5. In the event the employee is not satisfied with the outcome of the administrative review, an appeal may be filed with the APT Classification Appeals Board.

    3. Agreed Upon Position Changes (reflect lower band)
    4. Employee – Employer agree to significantly change work assignments of the employee (e.g., from working supervisor to specialist).  The position description shall be updated and assigned to an appropriate band, which may be of a lower band.

      1.  Employee passed probationary period and gained employment security

      2. Position Description Update

        Must be consistent with the band descriptions (See band guidelines)

      3. Salary Adjustment

        1. The employee’s basic rate of pay shall be reduced by a minimum of 8%. 

        2. The new basic rate of pay shall fall on step of the assigned band.

      4.  The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system.

    5. Change in Position as a Disciplinary Measure or Due to Performance (reflect lower band)
    6. In the event the employer initiates action as a disciplinary measure or the employee is being considered for discharge due to failure to meet performance requirements (See Unit 8 CBA Article 17A Performance Judge), the supervisor shall consider the feasibility of transferring or demoting the employee to a position for which the employee qualifies for.

      1. Transfer Employee

        1. If supervisor recommends the transfer to a position in a lower band that the employee qualifies for, the employee’s basic rate of pay shall be reduced by a minimum of 8%.

        2. If a transfer is not feasible, the supervisor shall consider redescribing the position.

      2.  Redescribe Position to a Lower Band

        1. Must be consistent with the band descriptions (See band guidelines)

        2. Salary Adjustment

          1. The employee’s basic rate of pay shall be reduced by a minimum of 8%.

          2. The new basic rate of pay shall fall on step of the assigned band.

        3. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system.

  5. Temporary Salary Adjustment – Stipend
  6. Temporary salary adjustments are given in the form of stipends as follows:


    Standard Salary AdjustmentPerforming Duties of Another Position?Type of Additional Duties PerformedResultPosition Description Update?
    4% StipendNoSame Band; More ComplexTemporary In-Band Adjustment


    8% StipendYesHigher Band (All Responsibilities)Temporary Change to Higher Band


    NoHigher Band
     2% Stipend YesMajority of responsibilities of a position in the same band 

    See Unit 8 CBA Article 18 Temporary Assignment

     4% StipendMajority of significant responsibilities of a position in the same band
    6% Stipend Majority of responsibilities of a position in a higher band

    If an employee is assuming the duties of another position, that position must be vacant or the employee in that position must be unavailable to perform their duties (e.g., due to leave).

    1. Temporary In-Band Adjustment – 4% Stipend
    2. Appropriate where the employee is (1) performing significantly more complex work, where the duties are still characteristic of the same band or (2) NOT performing the duties of another position.

      1. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system. An earlier effective date may be authorized by the approving authority when deemed equitable.

        1. Earlier effective date shall not be earlier than 60 working days prior to the receipt of the redescription for temporary in-band adjustment

    3. Temporary Change to Higher Band – 8% Stipend
    4. Appropriate where (1) employee temporarily assumes duties and responsibilities characteristic of a higher band; or (2) employee temporarily assumes duties and responsibilities characteristic of a higher band.

      1. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the HR system. An earlier effective date may be authorized by the approving authority when deemed equitable.

        1. Earlier effective date shall not be earlier than 60 working days prior to the receipt of the redescription for temporary in-band adjustment

    5. Temporary Assignment – 2%, 4% or 6% Stipend
    6. Appropriate where the employee is performing the majority of duties and responsibilities of another position; refer to Unit 8 CBA, Article 18 – Temporary Assignment


  1. Section 304A-1001, HRS, Exempt Personnel, and Board of Regents Policies Chapter 9 Personnel, RP 9.202 Classification Plans and Compensation Schedules


Wendy Hensel
January 28, 2025


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