ESRI Site License Program

Information Technology Services (ITS) has established a site license contract with ESRI for the University of Hawaii (UH) System. Any active UH faculty or staff may participate this annual site license program via departmental funds.

This is an annual site license, which provides the user with the "right to use" the ArcGIS software for the duration of the UH Fiscal Year, beginning July 1st through June 30th of the following year and is not prorated. Renewal notification will be sent to the contact person via email after the new fiscal year begins.

Annual Pricing:

    ACADEMIC use: teaching, learning, service-learning, and scholarly research
  • $100.00 per ACADEMIC (Individual) License
  • $75.00 per ACADEMIC Computer Lab License (Qty: 5 or more computers)
  • ADMINISTRATIVE use: asset management, facilities management, enrollment management, institutional research, and other tasks related to the operation of an educational institution
  • $250.00 per ADMINISTRATIVE (Individual) License
For clarification on Acacdmic and Administrative use, please review the Rubric for Determining Permitted Uses under the Esri Education Institution Agreement

Ordering Instructions:

NOTE: A UH Contract/Agreement has been set up for this Licensing Program. Therefore, OVPIT Non-compliant Terms (Shrink Wrap Terms) Waiver or OVPIT Approval for IT Procurement approvals are NOT required for the purchase of ESRI Licenses through this program.

  1. Complete, print and sign the ESRI Order Form
    (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
  2. Generate any of the acceptable forms of payment:
    • UH Interdepartmental Order (FSO-30)
    • RCUH Purchase Order, UH Foundation Purchase Order, EWC Requisition
      - Please enter an email address in the INVOICE TO section (if applicable) to have the Invoice emailed instead of a printed copy sent out by mail.

    • Cash, credit cards and P-Cards are NOT accepted.
    • Tax and shipping fees are NOT needed.
    • Please use the address below for the UH IDO or RCUH PO Vendor Address.

  3. Submit your ESRI Form and Payment to the ITS Site License Office.

    • OPTION 1: Email an electronic copy of the Payment and ESRI Order Form to:
    • OPTION 2: Mail or drop off the completed Payment and ESRI Order Form to the following address:

        University of Hawaii - ITS
        Attn: Site License Administrator
        2520 Correa Rd., ITC 5th Floor
        Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
  4. After ITS receives and processes your payment, the contact person listed on the order form will be sent an email confirmation. For new users, a separate registration email will be sent out to request for licensing and download access.

If there are any questions regarding this program, please call the ITS Site License Office at (808) 956-2404 or send email to