Critical language pedagogy (CLP) refers to the emerging perspective that the values of social justice can be applied to the teaching of a second, additional, or heritage language. The aim of this course is to consider the role that CLP may play in the classrooms of various language programs, as well as in instructors’ language teaching practices. We will read theoretical and empirical studies regarding CLP, and use that knowledge to consider what is appropriate or possible for these language programs by analyzing the opportunities afforded to or constraints placed upon them. Students will be expected to read and discuss course content, and contribute to an ongoing group project that reflects their developing knowledge of CLP. Students also will write a final reflection paper and develop a philosophy of teaching essay.
*Required Text* - Crookes, G. & Abednia, A. (2022). Starting points in critical language
pedagogy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
pedagogy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.