What is language? How do we understand language and language learning in the light of learning technologies? How do we make sense, make meaning and realize values when technologies are involved in the learning environment. Learning technologies, ranging from vernacular use of Skype to sophisticated virtual world technologies, bring us new challenges and opportunities for communication and social networking, as well as learning & teaching.
What are the roles of learning technologies in learning, instruction and communication? Do they function as an input to aid learning, such as acquisition of lexicogrammer? Do they function as tools to help with problem solving, such as looking up a new word while reading an article? Do they function as a media to make distance communication and interaction possible? Do they function as objects that have potential to change the way we live so that our communication (language) is becoming inherently different? We will explore these questions as central themes of the course, so that we can gain a deeper understanding and be tuned to affordances of technology in the most broad sense.